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 Tonga Soa | Exemple de Hainteny| Leonard FOX | Rabearivelo | Ranaivo | Paulhan | Ramiaramanana | Bibliographie

| Izaho vary ary hianao rano | Tsy mba nahita izay fingadongadonan'ny volana aho | Iza ry zoky iry avy atsimo?|


Izaho vary ary hianao rano
an-tsaha tsy mifandao, an-tanana tsy misaraka
fa isak'izay mihaona
fitia vaovao ihany
I am the rice and you are the water:
they do not forsake each other in the country,
they do not part in the town
but each time they meet, there is truly new love
Tsy mba nahita izay fingadongadonan'ny volana aho
Tsy mba nahita izay fikatrokatrohan'ny masoandro
taro-daingo anie aho ka taro-daingo
taro-daingo an-tsefatsefa-bato
alaina tsy azo, avela mora foana
Izany zavatra alaina tsy azo
avela mora foana izany
ka zavatra tsy aritra indrindra
I did not perceive the resounding tread of the moon,
I did not perceive the booming gallop of the sun.
I am a young laingo shoot and a young laingo shoot,
a young laingo shoot in a rocky cleft.
Attainment is impossible,
abandonment is very easy.
That which is impossible to attain,
but very easy to abandon,
is that which is most desirable.
Iza ry zoky iry avy atsimo?
Ikakintsika Raberoberomanga
be vositra be tsimiranga
ary ny tanany roa feno vola
ho anao ho ahy koa
ka raha tsy omeny?
raha tsy manome izy
fa fatra-pamolapolaka antsika
dia tsy mba manana antsika
fa mitodi-doha
hiverina any amin'ny anaran'ineny isika
sy ny lambantsika
fa tsingala miavona isika sy ny saina
ka izy irery no tsy tia
dia mitoto koba isika hatavy
fa ny dada tsy mba lany
izay tia samy ray avokoa
Elder brother, who is that coming from the south?
Our father, the Handsome-one-who-speaks-indistinctly
he has many oxen, many long-horned cattle,
and his hands are full of silver
for you and for me.
And if he does not give us any?
If he does not give us any,
but cuts us off in earnest,
then we will have nothing,
but we will turn back and return to our mother,
together with our lambas,
for we are proud, like the tsingala,
and our spirits are proud.
And if he is the only one who does not love,
we will grow fat pounding our own rice flour,
for there is no lack of fathers:
all those who love us are fathers.
Leonard FOX, Hainteny, The Traditional Poetry of Madagascar, Translated with an Introduction and Notes

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