Sama Veda

Knowledge of Devotion and God Realisation

Affirmations | Hymns | Commentary on Hymns | Attributes | Karmic Law | Meditations |
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   Brief Commentaries on Hymns of Sama Veda

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Hymn 1.

Invoked attributes of God :
Agni , resplendence of knowledge.
Hota as One who gives to souls what is worth giving and takes from them what is worth taking. He thus oversees our spiritual and devotional acts.

Object of the prayer:
1. Realise and apprehend within the heart environs the immanent presence of God who is also pervasive in the entire cosmos. This is the highest liberating experience that one can have.

2. To offer and surrender self for absorption as part of devotioal worship. This is the highest offering one can make.

Method :
Meditate on the glories and several qualities and attributes of God.
Surrender of self to God and feeling of dissolution of separate entity and arising of a feeling of oneness with an all pervasive God during the meditation.

Desired Goal:
Realisation of God

Hymn 2.
Hymn 3.
Hymn 4.
Hymn 5.
Hymn 6.

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Updated as on September 1, 2000