comparatives and superlatives
definite articles
demonstrative adjectives
demonstrative pronouns
direct and indirect object pronouns
double object pronouns
hacer expressions
noun suffix
passive voice
personal pronouns
por and para
possessive adjectives
possessive pronouns
present tense
preterite tense
ques expressions
reflexive verbs
relative pronouns
subject pronouns
present subjunctive
tener expressions


The future (will) tense is relatively simple to form in Spanish because the endings are added to the infinitive. Verbs endings are the same for all verbs -ar, - er, or -ir. In the future tense all endings carry an accent with the exception of the nosotros form.
The future tense is used to indicate an action, event, or condition that will take place in the future.
It is used to express the possibility of an action or event that might be occurring in the present.
Iré temprano a tu casa mañana. - I will go to your house early tomorrow.
¿A qué hora será? - What time might it be? or What time do you suppose it is?
Serán las once. - It must be (probably) eleven o'clock.
Tendrá un dolor de cabeza. - He must have (probably has) a headache.
Examples of verbs in the future tense:

Subject pronoun




yo viajaré comeré permitiré
viajarás comerás permitirás
él, ella, usted viajará comerá permitirá
nosotros viajaremos comeremos permitiremos
vosotros viajaréis comeréis permitiréis
ellos, ellas, ustedes viajarán comerán permitirán

Irregular verbs

The following verbs drop the "e" in the infinitive before adding the endings of the future.
caber to fit cabré, -ás, -á, etc.
haber to be (aux. verb) habré,-ás, -á, etc.
poder to be able podré, -ás, -á, etc.
querer to want querré, -ás, -á, etc.
saber to know sabré, -ás, -á, etc.
The following verbs replace the "e" or "i" of the infinitive with a "d" before adding the endings of the future.
poner to put pondré, -ás, -á, etc.
salir to leave saldré,-ás, -á, etc.
tener to have tendré, -ás, -á, etc.
valer to be worth valdré, -ás, -á, etc.
venir to come vendré, -ás, -á, etc.
The following verbs drop the "e" and "c" of the infinitive before adding the endings of the future.
decir to say, tell diré, -ás, -á, etc.
hacer to do, make haré,-ás, -á, etc.


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Jaime El Sabio