Baths Salts

The Basic Recipe
3 parts Epson salt 2 parts Baking soda 1 part Table salt |
If you want to add some scent and colour to this recipe. I use food colouring and essential oils, the scent and colour of the salts. When using essential oils please use genuine essential oils.
For further information on this subject see Scott Cummingham The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews.
Colour = Yellow 3 Drops Lemon 2 Drops Lime 2 Drops Lavender |
Bathe in before any form of magickal working to strengthen, purify and prepare
yourself for ritual.
Protection Bath
COLOR: White 3 Parts Rosemary 2 parts Frankincense 1 part Lavender
Bathe in this mixture daily to strengthen your psychic armor and to stave off all
manner of attacks - physical, mental, spiritual, psychic and emotional.
Psychic BATH
COLOR: Light Blue 4 parts Yarrow 1 part Bay |
Use this blend in baths to strengthen your psychic awareness.

How to attract to your garden, with the use plants. Here are some of the ways in which to attract Fairies.
- Plants
- Foxglove - If grown in the Garden will attract them.
- Hawthrone - This plants is sacred. Ash, Oak, and Throne when grown together they may help see them.
- Primrose - Red and Blue will attract fairies to the garden.
- Rose - if it is stolen will attract the wee-folk.
- Straw - They like to make their homes in straw.
- Thyme - wearing thyme one may be able to see them.
Lunar Calendar for 2001

Month |
FulL |
New |
Name of Full Moon |
January |
9 Jan 8:24 pm |
24 Jan 1:27 pm |
Alder Moon |
February |
8 Feb 7:12 am |
23 Feb 8:21 am |
Willow Moon |
March |
9 Mar 5:23 pm25 |
25 Mar 1:21 am |
Ash Moon |
April |
8 Apr 3:22 am |
23 Apr 3:26 pm |
Oak Moon |
May |
7 May 1:53 pm |
23 May 2:46 am |
Holly Moon |
June |
6 June 1:39 am |
21 June 11:58 am |
Hazel Moon |
July |
5 July 3:04 pm |
20 July 7:44 pm |
Vine Moon |
August |
4 Aug 5:56 am |
19 Aug 2:55 am |
Ivy Moon |
September |
2 Sep 9:43 pm |
17 Sep 10:27 am |
Reed Moon |
October |
2 Oct 1:49 pm |
16 Oct 7:23 pm |
Elder Moon |
November |
1 Nov 5:45 am |
15 Nov 6:40 am |
Birch Moon |
30 Nov 8:49 pm Blue Moon |
December |
14 Dec 8:47 pm |
Rowan Moon |
How to Make Incense Paper....

The other Kind of incense you will need the following: white blotter paper cut into six inch strips about an inch wide 1 1/2 teaspoon potassium
nitrate added to one half cup warm water.
Stir until completely dissolved........... (you can buy potassium nitrate over the counter at most drug stores) soak the paper strips in the solution until thoroughly Wet then
hang them up to dry. You now have paper versions of charcoal blocks used the burn incense! NOW when making incense papers - your goal is to overcome the smell of the burning paper - so Heavy frangrances should be
To Scent Your Incense Paper. Choose a scent for your magical need and add a few drops at a time to the paper and smear over one
side of the paper - then hang to dry . When completely dry - store in an airtight container until ready to use :) (if it is not completely dry - you will have a moldy mushy Mess when you open your container)
Use only tinctures to scent the papers - essential and base oils just don't do it very well Making tinctures to scent your incense papers with...a tincture is the process of soaking dried plant materials in alcohol which captures the scent.
Do Not Use Rubbing Alchol. use only ethyl alcohol or "Everclear" needs to be a minimum of 140 proof (70%)
For further information on this subject see Scott Cummingham's book The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews.
Lighting the Incense Paper
Simply light one end of your dried paper and let it catch fire .........incense papers should burn slowly... when it has a good flame going - quickly blow it out and put it in your censer and let it smolder.
Great Idea : Just sprinkle a little incense on your smoldering paper and let it burn as well. This the way I like to use the incense paper.


What is the Aura?
The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds not only every living thing including humans animals and plants but also every inanimate thing such as rocks, manmade objects and the earth itself.
It consists of a swirling current of light radiation, a field in constant flux.
When it is seen it looks like a soap bubble with rainbow colours moving about it and within it.
It is not solid but is a constant flow of energy.
You cannot tear or rip it.
It is a protection that allows us to operate within our environment.
It can expand and contract at will.
What it contains?
It carries our life story within it; every little scrap of information about our entire lives.
Psychics read the aura, simply reiterating what has already happened )
It reveals our character. This is why when we meet someone for the first time we can instantly like or dislike. When both our auras meet they reveal whether or not we are compatible.
It holds our hopes, aspirations and fears
It records all the traumas that have happened in our lives. All the good things and the bad.
- It can reveal illnesses and distress
- It holds our thoughts.
How to read the Aura.
First off, find a place where there isn't any harsh light and with a Dark or Black background. Study any part of someones body.
Just relax and notice the fine lines and such on this certain part of this persons body(Or yours,
I would recomend using the hand). Now,if your relaxing enough,you'll start seeing colors.(Beginners normally see only one color but as you get more better see more). It's ok if you don't see anything the first time, it takes some practice. Everything has auras,from humans to rocks. It's takes a lot of practice to see one aura. One word Practice, Practice and more Practice.
Aura Color Meanings?
Red |
The color of strength, strong passion, and will. Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper and is nervous or impulsive. All red relates to nervous tendancies. |
Orange |
Color of warmth, thoughtfulness, and creativity. The muddier shades may represent pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. A person with orange in their aura may suffer from kidney ailments. |
Yellow |
Mental activity, optimism. It can mean new learning oppurtunities and wisdom. A golden yellow means that the person takes care of hiom or herself. Ruddy yellow may mean that its owner is shy. |
Green |
Is the color of sympathy and calm. A person who has green in his or her aura may be very good at the healing arts and is very reliable. Dark shades of green can indicate one who is jealous or uncertain. |
Blue |
The color of quiet and calm. Any blue in the aura is good to have, but deep blue is the best. One with deep blue in his or her aura shows a person who has found his or her work in life. Many are spiritual minded as well. Blue may sometimes represent a tendancy to be moody and depressed. |
Indigo and Violet |
The colors of one who is seeking something in life. They represent an ability to handle affairs with worldiness and practicality. Dark shades may show that the person has obstacles to overcome and is feeling misunderstood. |
Black |
The color of protection. May reflect a person who is hiding something. It may possibly indicate imbalances as well. |
These are the more common colors. However, they are not the only colors in the aura and I don't want you leaving here thinking that they are. Here are some other colors that may be seen within the aura.
White |
Many times this is one of the first colors you will see in an aura. However, when it is a true and strong color of the aura, it reflects purity and truth. |
Brown |
This could reflect a person who is very "earthy" and that a person is establishing new roots. However, if it is seen in the chakras, it may mean that a person's energy is in some way being blocked. |
Black Spots |
The presence of black spots in the aura may indicate that it is imbalanced in some areas. This may mean that the person has some negative habits that he or she should work on. Meditation helps reduce these spots, as does things like exercise and sunlight. |

Basic Brew
Not every brew in this section is made in the following manner. Use specific instructions where given.
Gather, grind & mix the herbs. For brews to be drunk, use specific culinary mortar & pestle for grinding, not the one used for heavy-duty magickal herbs.
Empower the herbs with your magickal goal.
Heat about 2 cups water to boiling. Place about one handful of mixed, empowered herbs in a teapot or some other heat-proof, non-metallic container. Pour the water over the herbs. Cover with an equally non-metallic, steam tight lid. let the herbs brew for about 13 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth or a bamboo strainer & use.
Brews should be used as quickly as possible. If necessary, they can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. After this time, return them to the earth & create a new brew. For further information on this subject see Scott Cummingham The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews.
Healing Brew
1 lemon and zest
A cup or two of water
Lime juice
Sugar or Sweeter to taste
1 Tylenol (optional)
The juice of half of a Lemon and the zest. A few pinches of Cinnamon. Lime juice a few drops.
In a pot on the stove put all ingredients and bring to a boil. Remove from heal and pour into a cup to drink.
By Selina
Dream Tea
1 part Each: Mugwort, Peppermint,and Cinnamon .
and 1/2 part Chamomile
Mix, add one tsp to a cup. Pour boiling water over this & let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Drink before going to bed to promote psychic dreams.
By Selina

Herbal Infused Oil - Quick Method
2 - 3 oz. dried herbs or 3 - 4 oz. fresh
1 1/4 cups unblended vegetable oil (preferrably sunflower or olive)
A heat-proof container with a tight-fitting lid (jam jars work well)
Chop the herb and put it in the container with all the oil. Put the container in a pan filled with water to within 1 inch of the top of the container
of oil. Simmer slowly for 2 hours. (2-3 containers can be heated at one time to save on
energy costs)
After 2 hours, allow the oil to cool, and strain well. Discard
the spent herbs (makes lovely compost). Refill the canister with the remaining herbs and
return to the water bath (remember to replace the lid). Simmer for another 2 hours. *Be
sure to check the water level occasionally so as to not burn the oil.
When the oil has cooled enough to work with, pour it through a
jelly bag or sieve lined with cheesecloth. If using fresh herbs, there may be a watery
liquid at the bottom of the oil. This must be separated and discarded, or else it wil
spoil the oil over time.
This oil can be used as a base for ointments, creams, or salves, or as a massage oil.
By Selina

To have Sweet Dreams
Lavender incense and sprig of lavender
To help you sleep peacefully and have pleasant dreams, create a tranquil and calming environment
for your bedroom. The windows should have either curtains or walls that are light coloured or
pastel tones and make sure the bed head is well away from the door. Cleanse the atmosphere of
your room by holding a sprig of lavender and walking through the room with a peaceful mind and heart.
At bedtime turn off everything in the room that could be distracting or disturbing, like television
and loud music or radios. Put a lavender sachet under your pillow and before go to sleep say to yourself.
"Feather light on starry night, cozy warm and tired, pleasant dreams and sweetest thoughts as little angels smile."

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