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School Song


Initially, SMK Maxwell had its own song in the English Language. According to a teacher who has served the school for more than 20 years, the song was changed in the 1980 when Mr. Victor Wong was the headmaster. The new version was created by Mr. Leonard Wong, Puan Soriah bt. Abdullah and Mrs. Balakrishnan. Then, it was translated into the Bahasa Melayu. From that day onwards, students of SMK Maxwell sing the song everyday during the assembly.

  Bahasa Melayu version: 

Mara serentak, tuju kemasyhuran,

Cabari dunia, capai kejayaan,
Sumbangan bakti, mengharumkan Maxwell,
Megah dan agung nama Maxwell.

Tetap cekal tempuh rintangan,

Buru cita penuh jiwa raga,
Kegigihan satu amalan,
Ikrar kita demi tujuan mulia.

  English Language version: 

Courageous and bold arise and march to fame,

Dare the world to pride new goals and laurels gain,
Hold your torches high and proclaim dear Maxwell,
Glorious and dignified Maxwell.

Let's rage thru' odds and onward march,

Let's make the grade with virtue too,
Let's serve the world with guidance true,
Pledge together ever undeterred in faith.

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