Magickal Glossary:

Akashic Records: A data base that can be accessed for information about past lives, healing and other magickal and spiritual practices. It is within the psychic mind, of all of us.

Altar: A special area set aside for ritual and/or magickal workings.

Astral Travel: (or projection) This is the process having your soul leave the physical body. It is said that you can travel unlimitedly. Some old cultures believed that when you sleep you do this.

Athame: A cleansed and consecrated ritual knife, usually with a black handle. Some only use it for symbolic cutting others use it literally, but it is never used for blood-letting. It is the tool of the South. It corresponds with the suit of swords in Tarot.

Bane: Bad or destructive.

Banish: Do this when you want to magickal end something.

Blood of the Moon: This is a women's menstrual cycle.

Book of Shadows: A book containing magickal rites, formulas, spells and practices. It is also know as a grimoire.

Bolline: A white handled knife used in cultivating herbs, inscribing candles or any practical magickal purpose.

Call: When you summon Divine forces.

Chakras: Seven energy points found in the body: crown, forehead, throat, chest, naval, abdomen, and groin. There are also smaller points in your hand and feet.

Chalice: This is our Ritual cup. It is associated with the west. It corresponds with the suit of cups in Tarot.

Circle: The magickal boundary around a Witches Ritual that defines and contains the Sacred Space.

Cone of Power: Energy that is raised and focused to achieve a definite purpose. This is done by either an individual or a group.

Cleansing: Replacing any negative energy an object or place may have with positive energy.

Consecrating: Blessing a place or an object by instilling it with positive energy.

Coven: A group of people that work together preforming ritual ceremonies and magickal acts.

Dedication: A private ritual where you make a vow to accept the Craft as your path to the Goddess and God.

Deosil: Clockwise movement.

Divination: This is when one uses tools to collect information from the Collective Unconscious on the nature of people, things, places and events in the past, present or future.

Esbat: A ritual associated with the moon.

Evoke: To call into your presence.

Familiar: An animal who has a spiritual bond with a Witch.

Handfasting: A Wiccan or Pagan marriage ceremony.

Initiation: An experience that transforms and individual so that their concept of personal and worldly reality has been changed.

Invoke: To call into yourself.

Libation: An offering of food or drink to the spirits.

Magick: The art of changing consciousness at will. Spell casting. It is neither good nor bad, positive or negative. It is the use of power that determines the path it will take.

Pentacle: A five pointed star within a circle. The tool of the North. It corresponds with the suit of pentacles in Tarot.

Prietess: A woman dedicated to both human kind and her chosen deity(ies).

Priest: A man dedicated to both human kind and his chosen deity(ies).

Reincarnation: The belief that we have lived in past lifetimes and will live again.

Sabbat: There are eight in a year. It is a seasonal ritual also called a fire festival, associated with the sun.

Skyclad: Nude. Some Traditions practice the rituals skyclad.

Tradition: An organized system of religious thought and teachings.

Wand: A short stick sometimes made of wood sometimes made of other materials. It is the tool of the East. It corresponds with the suit of wands (or rods) in Tarot.

Wheel of the Year: One full cycle of the seasonal year. It begins with Samhain.

Widdershins: Counterclockwise motion.

Last Updated on September 6, 1999