Here I will give you a brief description of the seasonal festivals known as the Sabbat's, as time goes by I plan on including some lore for each of the festival's as well.
The eight Sabbat's are celebrated through out the year, four to mark the changing of the seasons, and four to mark agriculture, and the bearing cycles of animals.
Samhain: October 31, is my all time favorite festival. Better known as Halloween. This is the time we say goodbye to our beloved God. This is only temporary however until he is reborn at Yule.
Yule: in 1999 it will be on December 22, this changes with the year but it is always circa the 21st. The day is the shortest of the year. As we welcome the coming of the light, we also welcome the return of our God who is born on this night.
Imbolc: (or Candlemas) Is February 2. The day marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth. The longer days awaken Her. The Earth is waking and the first signs of spring come.
Ostara: This year it is on March 20th. It is always circa the 21st. This is the Spring Equinox, the beginning of Spring. The length of the day and night are equal now.
Beltane: May 1st. This is a fertility festival. It is also known as May Day. It is when God reaches manhood.
Litha: (Midsummer) This year it is on June 21st. This is always circa the 21st. It is the Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year. When the powers of nature reach their highest point.
Lughnasadh: August 1st. It is the first harvest festival. The God starts to lose his strength.
Mabon: This year September 23. Always circa the 21st. It is the Autumn Equinox. The day and night are equal in length. The God prepares for his leaving the physical plane. The Earth begins to start her long winters rest.
And then again we come to Samhain and the wheel completes its circle, then continues round.