*Updated Directory 03/20/04.*

After a great deal of soul searching and a search of the Internet I finally decided to merge all my sites into one site once again..
There is now a
New Pieces Of An Enigma at the new Temple Of The Infidel.
However, because the Temple of the Infidel has unlimited space, I am sure that it will soon surpass this the original site.
All updates to articles here will be posted there.
As I am allowed the space to do so I will upload the many hours of UFO and Paranormal video footage that I have accumulated over the years to that site.

Temple Of The Infidel now has its own domain which is templeoftheinfidel.com.
As I will soon be leaving AOL and so it is best to contact me at the above mail address.
I can be contacted at bplgeus@templeoftheinfidel.com.

I will keep the original Pieces Of An Enigma open as long as I am allowed to but in as much as I am no longer posting updates and new articles here, for updates you should visit and bookmark my new domain.

Please note that because of changes in the Geocities mailing systems any mail sent to Oeldewan will be returned.
From this point on all email should be sent directly to Bplgeus@


Posey Gilbert (Oeldewan) Bplgeus@templeoftheinfidel.com

Pieces Of An Enigma Site Maps

Speed ListNo frills no muss no bother click and go!

Click here to Cut To The Chase

Click here to take the Secret Passage

Click here to learn about this site.


The Temple Of The Infidel.

Now open and still growing.