Welcome To Pieces Of An Enigma


This site is basically devoted to the strange things and phenomena that I have encountered during my life time, but you are welcome to leave your thoughts and stories of your encounters here also.
I opened this site with hopes that maybe I can find answers to the many questions my experiences have left me with, and with hopes that my experiences may give answers to the questions that others lives have left them with.
I do not hope or even want to get anyone to believe me, for belief in or non belief of my anecdotes will not validate or invalidate the fact that they happened to me as I will relate they did here.
What people choose to believe is fine with me whether they choose to believe they believe or choose to believe they don't believe it is in the end all the same thing, Belief.
I do not seek belief, belief is something that a God needs, not I, I need answers and that is all.
What I seek is facts hard cold facts as they happened to others just as they happened to me.
So if there are those that like myself have encountered the same things or things, had similar things happen to them, or know of others that such things have happened to please feel free to share with me these things, for I like the others like me would like to know we are not alone.
Still those that have not had witnessed such events are welcome here also, as are the curious, and the skeptical.
For they also may bring with them answers or a perspective that may help me see through the darkness of my on personal perceptual blindness also.
It too is my hopes that some one visiting my site may have also been present at some of my encounters and will get in touch with me.
Maybe by my coming forth with my encounters others will feel free to do so with theirs also.
For in the end, are we all not on a quest for answers, and that being so,

are we all not but a piece of the enigma?

Secret Passage