page contains our project's status reports, as well as a link to our FAQ.
Whenever we have a progress report, it will be posted here.
Current ones are at the top, while previous reports can be found toward the bottom of the page.

2000 Status Reports
March, 2000
 | EPIPHANY!? I have come up with the idea to perhaps introduce DoA as a PBEM (play by e-mail) game to start
with. How exactly this will work -- viz-a-viz the rules etc. -- I've not yet
completely worked out, but I'm looking for anyone to express interest in playing it this
way. Basically I foresee needing from around six to two dozen players, each willing
to take on the role of the leader of a tribal nation (see Hellas,
Qattara, et al), whom will be able to submit a "turn",
consisting of a series of actions and decisions, at least once per week. These
actions will be based on criteria that I, as Game-Master (GM), will determine, very
similar to a campaign of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
®. |
If you think you might be interested in such a concept, or have any
questions, please first see our FAQ for updated information, or by
all means contact me. Or go ahead and fill out
our Questionnaire.
February, 2000
 | Much to our chagrin, we have experienced continuing delays in our project, mainly due to
a shortage of artists, and also due to current members' changing
commitments and priorities (see the October Report, below, re: the "interim"
project). We wish to assure everyone (whomever might actually be reading this...)
IS NOT DEAD! It will just take some more time than anticipated to come together.
Thanks for your continuing interest, and please drop the Project Coordinator a note, if you have any
questions or can offer any assistance. |
October, 2000, Reports Archived
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