Dawn of Atlantis™


Screen Shots, et al

Home Anatolia Arabia Hellas Kush Mesopotamia Outremer Qattara Thrace

As they are completed, this page will contain links to Dawn of AtlantisTM screen shots, artwork, sound clips, and so on.

So far we have only one.  (We sure could use some help in this area; if you're interested, do please look here.)

This is also the main page that links together all the pages for each region or Player-Realm of DoA; see the buttons above.  Those pages will follow the same basic format, having a title (name of the Player-Realm), a "Creation Myth" describing the creation of the world and the birth of the national deities -- which are identical except of course for the deities' names -- and finally a section outlining the Player-Nations and a sampling of their possible starting locations.  (Forgive us if they look and sound somewhat repetitious; later on we plan to perhaps link the deities' names to brief descriptions, include some artwork, add the names and descriptions of player-characters, and so on.)


Temple thumb.jpg (1742 bytes) Dawn at the Temple of Life, by Krystian Bates.


All content of this page's links Copyright © their respective authors.


Copyright © 1999 Dragontooth Productions.
For problems or questions regarding this site contact webmaster.
Last updated: February 20, 2000.