Updated: Sep. 10 2007

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About me: Well I'm 6' feet even, around 200lbs, Long Brown hair, and green eyes. You can Learn more about me Here, and me resume Here.

Me and computers go back a long way I've had a computer around since I was about 5 years old. The first computer in the house was a Tandy TRS-80, the computer I have right now Is a 1.6Ghz Intel. The OS's I've used run the gambit of all computers, I've used MSDOS 3.0 to 7.0, Windows 3.0 to XP, OS/2 Warp V3.0, MacOS 7 to X, AmigaDos 1.1 to 3.5, Linux 2.2.14, BeOS 4.5 and 5. More on my current computer Here.

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