Welcome to Pope Shenouda III

Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary



Canon Law


Investigation of the Apostolic Canons, Didache, Ecclesiastic Canon of the Fathers before and after the council of Chalcedon. Ecumenical and local Canon until the Holy Synod. The time of H.H. Pope Shenouda III.

Christian Education


Church History I



The Church and the Heresies during the age of the Apostles. The Church in Jerusalem and the Persecution. The Church outside Jerusalem. The planting of Christianity throughout the world. The Church and the State. Monastic idea. Three Ecumenical Councils (Nicea, Constantinople and Ephesus).

Church History II

Church History from Chalcedon (451) to present day.

Comparative Theology




Analyze differences between Protestantism and Orthodoxy, with respect to the Holy Bible. The issues of Baptism, Tradition, Intercession, Fasting, Veneration of the Virgin Mary, Speaking in Tongues, Rituals, and Repentance will be investigated. Investigate the Catholic concept of Purgatory with relation to the Bible, the Fathers, and the history of the church.

Coptic Language I



Introduction, Noun Types, Definite & Indefinite Article, preposition … etc. Relative clause & nouns, Demonstrative & Possessive adjective, and Greek Nouns. Tripartite Construction, Declension of Prepositions, Fundamentals of Text Reading, Verb Forms. Numbers and Abbreviations.

Coptic Language II


A better understanding of the language, through translation of biblical, liturgical, and literary text. Classical Coptic, Sahidic dialect through comparison with the Boharic. Coptic Manuscripts and the methodology of reading them.

Dogma & Theology

Biblical and Patristic analysis to the Divinity and Nature of Christ.

Ecumenical Councils


The three Ecumenical Councils recognized by the Coptic Orthodox Church: The Council of Nicea 325 AD, the Council of Constantinople 381 AD, the Council of Ephesus 431 AD.

Family Affairs


Church Canons and secular laws concerning engagement, marriage, annulment, divorce, and remarriage.



Introduction to the basics of Biblical Greek grammar and syntax. Noun Types, Definite & Indefinite Article, preposition … etc. Relative clause & nouns, Demonstrative & Possessive adjective. Fundamentals of Text Reading, Verb Forms.



Hymnology I


Tones of prayer (Festal, Hosanna, Kiahk, Lenten, Sorrow and Annual Tones). The subdivision of the Cymbals and Doxologies. Major and Minor Feasts of Christ.

Hymnology II

The prayers of the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil in the Coptic language.

Liturgical Studies I


Definition, Church Building (Sanctuary, Nave, Narthex, & Baptistery). Liturgical History, The Offertory, Liturgy of the Catechumens, and the Liturgy of the Faithful I & II

Liturgical Studies II



Historical and traditional, in depth study of the Sacraments and services of Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, Communion, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Unction. Study of the various Feasts and Fasts in the Coptic Orthodox Church. General study on the services of the Blessing of Homes and Funeral Rites.

New Testament I


Introduction, background, and the interpretation of the Four Gospels and the Book of Acts.

New Testament II


The Pauline Epistles: Introduction, background, purpose, contents and interpretation.

New Testament III


The Catholic Epistles and Book of Revelation: Introduction, background, purpose, contents and interpretation.

Old Testament I


An introductory study of the Old Testament. A study of the message and the meaning of the Old Testament. The Canonical and Deutro-Canonical Books, and the Pentateuch (five books of Moses).

Old Testament II


The Historical Books that explore the dealings of God with the Israelites in the Promised Land in, during, and after the captivity period. Books studied include Joshua to Ester, Tobit, Judith, and the two books of the Maccabees.

Old Testament III


The Poetic and Wisdom Books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiasties and Song of Solomon. Two deuterocanonical books: Ecclesiasticus, (The Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach) and the Wisdom of Solomon.

Old Testament IV

The Prophetic Books, both Major and Minor prophets. The Lamentations of Jeremiah.

Pastoral Theology I



Study of the Biblical, Theological and Historical basis of Pastoral Theology. Fathers of the Church views of Pastoral Theology. Christ the Great Shepherd. Preparation of His Disciples for ministry; and the first shepherds after Him. Study of ministry, ministers, offices, and gifts of ministry; personal qualifications of the minister. Ministry of the Word, worship & administration and the ministry of spiritual counseling.

Pastoral Theology II



The course attempts to give shape and form to Pastoral Care in emergencies, and how to minister to those in such crisis’s as physical illness, death and dying, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, mid-life, aging and family issues. What preaching is and how you can give inspirational Orthodox sermons.

Patristics I

The Apostolic Fathers, Ante-Nicean period. The early Apologist.

Patristics II

The Alexandrian Fathers, Cappadocian Fathers, Writers of Antioch, Syria & Egypt. Latin Fathers and the Monastic Writings.

Psychology of Religion


Study of religion, experience, growth, prayer & devotion, worship, psychology of belief, religious personality & behavior, and religion & the community.

World Religions


A study of Islamic belief and their different sects, Christian Protestantism, Jehovah’s Witness, Adventist, Science Religions, Mormons, and the New Age Movements.