Claire's Corner

Just kick the toys out of the way--toddlers are notoriously messy!

It's now time to catch up with Claire, who is a busy four year old now, conquering life as only a four year old can. She seems to have discovered that life is one large stage and she, quite naturally, is the star.

An Interview With Claire

Q: What are your favorite things to do?
A: I like to do everything. I want to go somewhere. Can we go somewhere?

Q: What are you doing at school these days?
A: I play with the kids. We play dinosaurs and kitchen. Can I go to school now?

Q: What are your favorite foods to eat?
A: I like to eat grilled cheese and fries and ice cream. I like restaurants. Can we go to the restaurant with the chips?

Q: What is your favorite thing to do?
A: I like to go to the park. It snowed and we couldn't go to the park yesterday. It isn't snowing today. Can we go to the park?

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I'm little but when I grow, I will be big. My shoes are getting too small. They hurt my feet. Can we go to the store and get some new shoes?

Q: Who is your favorite person?
A: I love my mommy and daddy and Sissy and Micah and Mimi and Papa. Christmas is coming. I want to cook them some reindeer cookies. Can we go buy reindeer cookies at the store?

At this point I started looking for my car keys. Why fight it? When all the world is an adventure, only a four-year-old can see the opportunities all around. Forget that sitting around and waiting for the world to come to you.

Take Claire's lead--go out and get it.

Claire's Favorite Things

Claire at her best

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