Happy Holidays from Claire!


Christmas is just around the corner and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a joyous holiday season. Even though I'm only two, I'm already learning that Christmas and the whole holiday season has something to offer everyone.

The first thing I'd like to do is post my Christmas List, just in case Santa Claus surfs--

  1. A handbook on how to be just like Angelica on "Rugrats"
  2. Something really big--I'm not really sure what yet
  3. Some new Blues Clues stuff--Mom's really tired of what I've got
  4. "Prizes" for Daddy
  5. "Prizes" for Sissy
  6. "Prizes" for Mimi and Papa
  7. More "prizes" for Claire


I know that Christmas is for more than "prizes" and I hope that everyone who reads this page has a celebration according to their own traditions. (Mommy made me say that. . ."prizes" are pretty cool)

Now, I really didn't know until Mommy sang that song that Santa knows if you've been naughty. . .and I think I should get the opportunity to explain some of those incidents that might be considered naughty, so here goes. . .

The Accidental Tooth Fairy

Okay, okay--so I bit her. I didn't know that these things worked, so I was performing an external diagnostic. Honest. . .

The Case of the Missing Car Keys

This is what happened--I was going to LOCK the car (because Mommy never does and that makes Daddy and me crazy) and I became disoriented from the combination of apple juice and chocolate cookies and, in my state of sugar shock, I dropped the keys and could not remember where. . . and even if I could, the phrase "down the toilet" was not yet in my vocabulary. I have a doctor's note to verify this.

The Vegetable Monster

I admit it. I threw the broccoli on the floor. There is a perfectly good reason for this. It is well known among toddlers that monsters live in broccoli. I think my Daddy believes it, too, since he won't eat it either. Anyway, I don't want any monsters living in my tummy. There's not room for them AND chocolate cookies at the same time. One of them has got to go. . .

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all from the first Noel. . .

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