{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

June 2nd

*sigh* The start of June. I have 5 days of school left. I don't know wether to jump around and scream, "YES!" or cry because the loss of my friends.

I'm moving away when school is over. So I won't be seeing the people I grew up with.. ever again. Not like most of my friends are complete rude jackasses, there are a few that I'll miss with all my heart. Those are the friends I'll be crying for when I'm lonely when we're moved. I guess I just need to be strong about it, and I know I'll make friends. I just don't like the idea of starting completely over in a new town, not knowing anyone. I'm a really shy person and I'm not comfortable in an atmosphere like that. Who would be??

Mom and I skipped school today. Instead we had this interview planned at The Community School of Naples. I wasent that nervous. We walked ( or I should say.. ) I dragged myself into the school, and was taken around the day with this girl named Elyssa. The whole point was for me to get to know the 8th graders so I'll know some of them next year if I get in. The reason I say dragged is because the night before when walking up the stairs to Charlies apartment, I tripped and fell. I jambed my toe pretty badly and was limping the whole day. I was in pain the whole time yes but I had to make the effort.

For being a private school I figured the kids to be rude and obnoxious. Sure there were a few bitches in the classroom, but the rest of them were very nice. Mostly girls. I was really comfortable with them, and I hope soo much that I make it in. It seems like a wonderful school.
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