{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

May 17th

erm. I'm sorry it's been so long. I just didn't have the heart to write after the last entry. *heheh* My friend on IRC is calling me *hehe* cute *hehe* *sweet smile* I just don't *smile* know *giggle* what on earth *WINK* she's talking about!! *hehe* Crazy lady :)
Friday night was great.. This is the entry I put in my journal:

I walked home with daniel yesterday.. well sort of walked. We met up with her boyfriend, joe. He's soo nice! I couldnt believe it. Hrm, Daniel offered me her cig, and of course I said no. She asked three times and finally Joe was like, "Hey lay off her.. she said no." *smile* He's definatly a very cool guy. We all fit ourselfs on his One Person Moped.. and I thought my butt was big! :) Last night I went to a dance with Daniel, a good friend of mine. I didn't have a very good time, but it was certainly better then being home! I saw a bunch of my old friends from my drama class. I miss them.. I couldn't believe I saw so many of them.
Had people coming up to me all night and saying, "HEY YOU! I remember you! How ya been?".
I saw one of my good friends Ashley.. haven't seen her in a year. I was really upset because a couple of my guy friends were being complete asses to me, so I was sorta yelling,
"Man why are guys complete d***heads!?"
She was like, "Yeah *smile* that's why I have a girlfriend."
I was like, " *mouth drops open* ohhh".
All n all it was an okay night. We left around 11 and I was really tired. *shrug* not sure if I'll be going back.

*sigh* Man I'm just not sure about my "friends" anymore. They're getting all mad at me for talking to some of my other friends instead of listening to their dribble about other people and how they screw some guy. I used to be so upset about leaving this town over the summer and how I'll miss everyone so much. Funny.. lately I could give a crud about these rude b*tches. They're so mean to people.. and the whole friendship thing is completely based on everyone talking mean about everyone else. What complete bullsh*t! I mean I love them and all but I'm sorry.. I'm not a dog and I won't wear a god damn leash!

I miss berry..