The Greek-Orthodox Temple of Agia Sofia - Constantinoupolis 
Click to see a bigger picture of Agia Sofia The Holy Temple of Agia Sofia was built during the period when emperor of the Byzantine Empire was Justinian the Great.  Is one of the biggest temple constructed ever after the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.  Sofia is the Greek word for Wisdom.  So the Temple is dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.  It is an enormous and magnificent structure with an extremely large dome which dominates the exterior of the building.  The Architectural style of this Byzantine Temple is domed basilica.  Its architects were Anthemius from Tralles and Isidorus from Miletus.
The Interior construction of the Temple
A huge narthex with many entrances is leading us into the center of the Temple.  As we enter the main body of the Church, we are confronted by the impressive height and wideness of the dome, which is full of small arched windows.  All the windows are around its base which in turn provide a halo of light giving the impression that we entered the Heavens.

The dome rests on four pendentives and is then supported by four basic piers on each corner.  It is also supported by two half domes on either side.  The whole plan becomes a combination of longitudinal and central plans.

The Pendentive structure is a dynamic system because it offers a solution to the problem of setting the dome over a square or rectangular space, making a basilica structure possible.

Important points of St. Sofias Structure

Today the Holy Temple of Agia Sofia - a unique piece of Art - is under Turkish Rule.  Turkey respect NOTHING. They destroyed the inside magnificent Byzantine icons which used to decorate the Temple. But not only that... they transformed the Holy Christian Temple into a mosque for a certain period. Now they use it as a museum. This is Turkey - completely ignorant, knowing and understanding nothing of the values that this Temple represents to the World's culture and the Christian Faith.
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