The Byzantine Art               Theotokos: Mother Of God Site

 The Pantocrator 
The Byzantine Art is used for making icons which decorate the Orthodox Temples.  It is a unique art which is not just art (paintings and pictures).  There are thousands of symbols in a Byzantine icon.  The main idea is to glorify God - The light of the World - through the abstract faces of the saints presented in the Byzantine icons. This site includes examples of Byzantine Art (see bellow) as well as other sites related to Byzantine Art and the Orthodox Religion.  This site is always under construction.  Please keep coming to see the marvelous examples of the unique Byzantine Art. Thank you for visiting this site. 
B Y Z A N T I N E   I C O N S   C O L L E C T I O N 
Click on any of the following Byzantine Icons to see them in bigger size
The Pantokrator - Jesus Christ Pantokrator (Jesus Christ) - Icon from Saint Cathrines Monastery in Mount Sina (Egypt)    

Mother Of God Enthroned Mother Of God Enthrouned - 16th century Byzantine Icon from Mount Athos (Greece)   

Theotokos Theotokos - Mother Of God - Byzantine Icon (Greece)   

John The Baptist Saint John The Baptist - Byzantine Icon (Greece)   

 St. Nikolas Saint Nikolas (Agios Nikolaos) - Byzantine Icon (Greece)

Crucifiction - 14th Century Byzantine Icon - Saint Loukas Church, Nicosia (Cyprus) 

"O NYMFIOS" , Man Of Sorrows - 16th Century Byzantine Icon - St. Loukas Church (Cyprus) 

  "Dypticho"  St. George and Jesus Christ - Byzantine Icon

  "Tripticho"  Crucifiction-Virgin Mary-Jesus Birth - Byzantine Icon

Virgin Mary - Mother Of God - Theotokos
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Orthodox Christianity - The True Religion  
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of Agia Sofia at
This site is always under construction - Keep coming !!

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