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Tax Exempt Status Granted
Pilot Video Project
Comanche Children's Books
How You Can Help
Contacting Us

Tax Exempt Status Granted

Effective August 2, 1997, TWG Productions, Ltd. was granted not-for-profit status.   This means that TWG Productions will be able to apply for grants and seek donations from corporate and private sources to underwrite the current project: produce a pilot video focused on teaching the Comanche language to the smallest members of their tribe.

Pilot Video Project

Work has already begun on this project.  Debbie Rennie and Randi Nott (founders of TWG Productions) spent the first week of August in the area of Oklahoma called the Comancheria, or Comanche Country, collecting video segments that will be edited into a twenty-eight minute television program.  Items that were taped were: the Comanche version of Old McDonald, the Comanche alphabet and number song, several church songs, vocabulary lessons and a translation of the book Lost Mitten.  All of this will be woven into a television show designed to appeal to Comanche pre-schoolers and their family.  A tentative television crew has been formed to tape the segments that will be done in the television studio at NCTV-Channel 17, Naperville, Illinois.   Professionals in the area of computer animation have also been contacted for their help in creating animated segments to accompany the live-action video.

Comanche Children's Books

TWG Productions is working on creating and publishing children's books.  In the television show, there is a "Story Time" segment, and TWG Productions would like to feature stories from the Comanche culture.  Unfortunately, few, if any are written and none have been published for children.  Carmelita Thomas, a Comanche elder, is collecting Comanche stories and writing them in a format that is pleasing to small children.  Mrs. Thomas has a Master's degree in Education and is volunteering all of her efforts toward this project.  Leonard Riddles, a world renown Comanche artist has agreed to illustrate the stories created by Mrs. Thomas.  Discussion is taking place between the two on how many stories will be produced and the length of the stories.  Once this is determined, Mr. Riddles will submit an estimate on what it will cost him to illustrate these stories.  TWG Productions will either include the short (2-3 minute) stories in the story time segment, or create a single show/video for the longer stories.

How You Can Help

Become a member of the TWG Circle of Friends.  For an annual membership fee of   $25, you will receive a quarterly newsletter that will update you on the progress of our projects, give you a sneak preview of our newly arrived merchandise, and provide you with an understanding of how your contribution is making a difference in the lives of American Indians across North America.
Make a donation, in any amount to support our work.  Or, give a donation as a gift or an anniversary present.  We will notify the recipient with a card and a copy of our newsletter.

Contacting Us

Our mailing address is

TWG Productions Ltd.
P.O. Box 315
Naperville, Illinois 60566-0315

Our e-mail address is

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