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Home Page outlines the origins, mission, and goals of TWG Productions in assisting with Comanche language preservation.

TWG News presents the latest events that affect TWG Productions.

TWG Assistance outlines the projects past and present that assist the efforts of the Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee.

Language Preservation explains the necessity of preserving linguistic diversity.

Language Death explains the major reasons why indigenous languages die.

Comanche Language outlines the major events leading to the foundation of the Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee, and its current accomplishments.

Master-Apprentice Project reviews the launching of a 3 year project by the Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee to teach whole families to speak their native tongue.

Comanche People gives a thumbnail history of the Comanche people, focusing on the Treaty of Medicine Lodge and the Battle of Adobe Walls.

Code Talkers reveals a little known but  important aspect of Comanche participation during World War II.

Links provides topical hyperlinks to Native American oriented Web sites.

Up TWG News TWG Projects Language Preservation Language Death Comanche Language Comanche People Links Site Map