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Distinguished Club Program Progress Report is mailed to Club President.

Club Tall Tales and International Speech Contests are conducted.

Semiannual Membership Report forms are mailed to Club President. (Collect dues early!) Proxy certificates are mailed to Club President, enabling Club to vote at Regional Conference Business Meeting and Annual Business Meeting held during the International Convention. Be sure to vote! Clubs voting at the Annual Business Meeting held during the International Convention receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program. Area and Division Tall Tales and International Speech Contests are conducted.

Distinguished Club Program Progress Report and officer report forms for all Clubs are mailed to the Club President.

Districts hold conferences. Contact your District officers for information about your conference. Plan to attend!

[April 10]
Completed Semiannual Membership Reports and dues due at World Headquarters by 5pm PT. Clubs meeting this deadline receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program.

[April 25]
Entries for the Top Ten Newsletter Awards contest and Membership Campaign contest are due at World Headquarters by 5 p.m. PT. Clubs meeting this deadline receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program.

Club elections held at the first meeting in May for Clubs electing annually and semiannually. President appoints an audit committee and committee audits Club's finances (all Clubs). Distinguished Club Program booklet (Catalog No. 1111) and Club Officer handbooks for the coming year are mailed to Club Presidents.

Regional Conference is held. Plan to attend!

District conducts training for Club leaders. Contact District officers for date and other information. Plan to attend!

[June 30]
Completed officer lists (names and addresses of newly elected officers) for all Clubs are due at World Headquarters by 5 p.m. PT. Clubs meeting this deadline receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program. Distinguished Club Program year ends. CTM, ATM, CL, AL, and DTM applications, Success/Leadership, Success/Communication, and Youth Leadership registrations, new member applications, etc., for the Distinguished Club Program must be postmarked no later than June 30 and received at World Headquarters by 5 p.m. PT, July 7, to be considered for the program. Don't wait until the last minute - mail early!

Immediate Past Club President is sent year-end Distinguished Club Program Report.

[July 1]
Distinguished Club Program year begins.

Toastmasters' International Convention is held. See the April issue of The Toastmaster magazine for location and other details. Plan to attend! Club Evaluation and Humorous Contests are conducted.

Semiannual Membership Report forms are mailed to Club President. (Collect dues early!) Area and Division Evaluation and Humorous Contests are conducted.

Distinguished Club Program Progress Report and officer report forms for Clubs electing semiannually are mailed to Club President.

Districts hold conferences. Contact your District officers for information about your conference. Plan to attend!

[October 10]
Completed Semiannual Membership Reports and dues due at World Headquarters by 5 p.m. PT. Clubs meeting this deadline receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program.

Club elections held at the first meeting in November for Clubs electingsemiannually. President appoints an audit committee and committee audits Club's finances (for Clubs electing semiannually).

District conducts training for Club leaders. Contact District officers for date and other information. Plan to attend!

[December 31]
Completed officer lists (names and addresses of newly elected officers) for Clubs electing semiannually are due at World Headquarters by 5pm PT. Clubs meeting this deadline receive credit in the Distinguished Club Program.