











Toastmasters will give
you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in
any situation. Whether you're a professional, student, stay-at-home parent,
or retiree, Toastmasters is the best way to build great communication
skills. You'll learn to relax, plan, and present a terrific speech, whether
you have 10 days to prepare - or just 10 seconds. You'll learn and practice
in a friendly, comfortable environment with people who are there for the
same reason you are - to become better communicators.

At Toastmasters meeting
everyone talks - that's why you're there! You'll build
"quick-thinking" skills as you're asked to give one to two-minute
impromptu speech during Table Topics. Later, you may be the person asking
Table Topics questions. Eventually you'll introduce speakers, give prepared
speeches, conduct meetings, and perform many other roles.
You'll love the
Constructive evaluation
is the heart of Toastmasters learning by-doing program. An evaluator will
be assigned to you each time you give a prepared speech. Your evaluator
will point out your presentation's strength and offer suggestions for
improving your next speech. At first you'll be applauded for your effort;
later you'll be applauded for your
You can't learn to be a
leader in a day; it takes practice. In Toastmasters you'll build leadership
skills by organizing and conducting meetings and motivating others to help
you. You can earn leadership awards by working on leadership project
related to your personal or professional life, or by serving as a leader in
your Club.
Join A Toastmasters
If you want to attend
club and apply for membership, please contact the 3Communicators'
President, Dave Berger at (408) 572-7929 or email 3CommunicatorOfficers@yahoogroups.com.
If you want to find a club that meets at a different time or location,
write to or visit:
Toastmasters International
P.O. Box 9052
Mission Viejo, CA. 92690 USA
Phone: (949) 858-8255 Fax: (949) 858-1207