A Memorial Tribute to
Brian C. Pohanka
(March 20, 1955 - June 15, 2005)
The Soul
of an Idealistic, Noble Soldier |
Brian C. Pohanka
was known as a Civil War historian, writer, speaker, battlefield preservationist,
film consultant, and re-enactor. For all his notable and innumerable
accomplishments, he was perhaps most widely recognized for his commentary
in the "Civil War Journal" series on the History Channel;
as an extra in films such as "Cold Mountain" and "Glory,"
and as captain of the 5th New York (Duryée Zouaves) Volunteers
Infantry, Company A, living history organization.
Despite the publicity he received for his work, Brian was a private
person who did not seek the limelight. A humble man who marched to the
beat of his own drum and stood behind his beliefs, Brian was among the
Civil War battlefield preservationist pioneers of the late 1980s whose
efforts would found what is known today as the Civil War Preservation
Trust. A student of not only the Civil War, but also the Great War (World
War I) and the Battle at Little Bighorn, Brian unselfishly shared his
knowledge and time with those who were not even among his peers. His
loyalty to the soldiers he admired was reflected in his ceaseless service
towards honoring their memory.
Though his studies seemed to focus on war, suffering, and death, Brian
loved life and all living things, great and small. His nature was inward
and often not easily understood. For at heart he was idealistic, gentle,
kind, empathetic, spiritual, and compassionate. By bravely facing his
own long-term illness without bitterness or complaint, Brian demonstrated
the true soul of a chivalrous and noble soldier who fought to the end
for his ideals.
Loss of a Great Leader and Friend
War living history groups and preservationists lost a great leader and
friend on June 15, 2005, with the untimely death of Brian Pohanka. Brian
cared a great deal about the history of the Civil War, the places affected
by the War, and especially the individuals who lived through those years
of turmoil. He cared so much that he dedicated his life to the cause
of preserving the memory of those soldiers, especially the ones he most
admired. Brian's heroes inspired him to reach for high ideals and to
lead a principled and productive life for the benefit of assisting others,
primarily through education. His was a positive and spiritual life:
Profound, fulfilling and meaningful.
On a personal level, Brian had encouraged and inspired me ever since
I had known him. He was a patient teacher who generously shared his
knowledge of his many studies—mainly the Civil War, World War
I, and the Battle of Little Bighorn. Brian unselfishly devoted much
time contributing content towards building this site and painstakingly
reviewing my work, and I shall always be grateful to him for his energy
and effort. For all his kindness, care, and devotion as friend, he is
truly missed.
With Brian no longer here to rally the troops, I feel an even greater
responsibility in dedicating my life to causes that are important to
me, such as honoring the soldiers of the Civil War. It seems fitting
and appropriate to continue his good work for the benefit of generations
to follow.
As part of this memorial tribute to Brian, I would like to share some
content from Brian's email messages that demonstrate his superb character.
Brian was a thoughtful friend, and while he was serious about many matters
in life, he also embraced the child within and never forgot to enjoy
the beauty in this world. These messages are grouped by subject matter.

Civil War
War Heroes at this Site
September 9, 1998, Brian responded to my email after having read the
biography of Philip Kearny posted at this Web site. In my message, I
had also mentioned that the next soldier to be profiled at this site
would be Joshua Chamberlain.
for sharing that URL with me -- good work. Kearny was the epitome
and embodiment of daring. Having worked to save those markers at Ox
Hill (Chantilly) and through my association with Bill [Styple],
I have certainly come to admire and appreciate the dashing soldier.
of course wrote, and spoke, so many eloquent, powerful and soulful
words. It does him a disservice to celebrate him only as the hero
or savior of Little
Round Top as he'd be the first to credit all those others who
fought and fell there. And so much of that fame has come from novels
and Hollywood. But his dauntless faith in the face of suffering, and
his spiritual view of the lessons of the terrible war -- those things
are sublime, and in fact religious in their nature -- and were so
expressed, by him. He was a very great human being, Chamberlain --
with tremendous depth of character and philosophy -- and a truly mystical
and, as I say, spiritual view of the ordeal he had passed through
along with so many others.
you can see I think highly of him.
of luck on your website, and keep me posted.
April 30, 2000, Brian forwarded the contents of a post he made to the
Antietam Group message board, in which he replied to a comment a member
of the group made in regards to Joshua Chamberlain being a "War
for Chamberlain being a "War Lover" -- well, I don't think
that is it at all. My own "take" on Chamberlain -- a man
I have long admired, from first reading Pullen's Twentieth Maine
when I was a teenager (years before [Michael] Shaara [wrote his historical
novel The Killer Angels] or the Movie ["Gettysburg"
based on that novel]) -- is that he was one of those rare individuals
who sought to define humankind's sufferings and agonies in a religious
or even mystical/religious way -- his own terrible wounds and lifelong
afflictions were a part of this, and having battled some of my own
misfortunes -- as most of us eventually do of course -- I rather admire,
and empathize with Chamberlain's approach.
did not "love war" and to distill his deep and complex thought
into that is, IMHO, a gross oversimplification. I think his view was
that the suffering and pain and at times seemingly "unfair"
hurts that we are oftimes dealt, can be a means to a higher, personal,
understanding that can be, if the individual is strong enough or daring
enough, externalized to an even greater good. It might equally be
a matter for rage, sour grapes, brooding, bile. But Chamberlain saw
it as a means of a very great, even unfathomable good.
know it sounds like some sort of "New Age" gobbledegook
-- but it was Chamberlain's way, and I suspect the way of many who
feel drawn to him. Others, who don't understand it, or are not cut
from that cloth, might prefer a more "realistic" -- that
is down and dirty, perhaps a tad cynical approach to life. From my
interest in the literature of the First
World War, I tend to think that this has become, thanks to that
horrific slaughter, the preferred "modern" way of looking
at things -- in war, and in life.
who can read Chamberlain's eloquent words and come away with a view
of him as a war monger or glorifier of war is missing something, I
think. Not that they are "wrong" as it is the reader's approach,
I would hazard, not only to war but to life. Chamberlain approached
it differently. I think he sought to find something that was powerful,
even divine, in the willingness of his comrades, of the soldiers,
to give so much, to suffer so much, for ideals, for hopes, for something
that was in the end intangible. That they "rose above the mortal"
-- and he did not mean this as a glorification of bloodlust, but of
the spirit -- of something beyond human. That is how I see it, anyhow.
was ambitious, he had a big ego, he was not always right. And like
most who wrote about the war years later his memory was not perfect.
But there was much in his philosophy (forget Hollywood, novelists,
and the tunnel vision on Little Round Top) -- much in his soul
that I think does speak to those today who admire him. They may not
be able to define it, but it touches them in a deeply spiritual way.
And that, in my opinion, in this day and age, is a very good thing
to ramble about this -- but I do believe it most strongly, and had
to say so!
introduced me to the writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. when he
sent me quotations by the associate
justice of the U.S. Supreme Court to post to the Veterans
page at this site. On April 18, 1999, Brian compared Holmes to Chamberlain
in his email message:
will take a look at the Veterans link -- I am sure you came up with
something that honors those heroes [on the occasion of Memorial Day]
am glad, too, you liked the O.W.
Holmes quotes. I truly admire him -- he was a deep-souled, complex,
brilliant man. He could be distant, cerebral, aloof, sometimes skeptical,
even cynical -- but underneath all that he was an idealist -- very
much like Chamberlain I think, though a little more sharp-edged --
but what a great mind he was -- and someone who was on a plane of
his own when it came to his world-view, his thought processes, and
his activity in the present while also deeply connected to the past....
Brian also introduced
me to Henry Lee Higginson
and his biography, Life and Letters of Henry Lee Higginson, by
Bliss Perry. When informing him that I would be profiling Higginson
at this Web site, Brian replied to my message on February 8, 2001:
am very glad you are going to bring deserved attention to HLH....
I always liked him, by that I mean when I first read of him, and especially
read his letters, I thought, this is someone I would have liked to
have known.... He was rather unique, a bit of a puritan, a bit of
a rebel, a lover of music and art, someone who had not really found
his niche in life when the war came along (though he always really
did have a niche) and who ultimately was able to see his dreams to
some fruition with the Symphony and so on -- the Soldiers Field to
honor his friends -- he was a smart, likeable and intelligent man
-- Some I think found him a bit too much his own character, but that
of course is the kind of thing we all encounter -- Anyhow, I think
of him with fondness and I hope that wherever he is now, he appreciates
our interest.
editing Brian's "Thoughts
about Henry Lee Higginson" posted at this site, Brian commented
on the final piece in his email dated September 2, 2001:
so much. You did an absolutely wonderful job of editing together my
thoughts on Henry Lee Higginson.... I do think it is one of the best
things I have ever written, as I wrote it with my heart, in admiration
for that good man. I know you share that view of him. God Bless Him!
Preservation Efforts
December 1999, a residential real estate developer planned to develop
a section of Morris Island in South Carolina where many soldiers of
the 54th Massachusetts
lost their lives in the attempt to take Fort Wagner. Upon learning about
this challenge, Brian was among the first individuals to express his
concern. He fired off an email to the editor of Charleston's Post
and Courier on December 23, 1999 and forwarded me a copy of his
As one who has spent a good part of my life researching and writing
about the Civil War, I was deeply concerned to learn of the proposal
to construct homes at Cummings Point on Morris Island. Having recruited,
trained and commanded the living history volunteers of Company B,
54th Massachusetts for the Academy Award winning film "Glory,"
I know how aware my comrades and I were of the sacrifice made by those
brave men whose story we sought to tell, so that future generations
would remember and honor what they did on that shell-torn spit of
sand. How in a spirit of idealism, and hope they charged -- and died
-- with an ardor born of idealism and of hope. The soldiers of the
54th martyred themselves on the ramparts of Fort Wagner that awful
night of July 18, 1863, so that their children would live in freedom,
with dignity and pride. And many a brave soldier of the Union and
Confederacy died on that ravaged island, fighting for ideals they
cherished above life itself. What a shame, what a sad commentary on
our money-grubbing souless times, that even that sacred place is threatened.
It should be preserved and revered as a monument to valor, and aspiration
-- not defiled. And I hope that those who understand this will fight
to save it.
to the efforts of caring citizens across the country, a movement was
begun to thwart this effort, with pleas made to the City Council, and
the preservationists were eventually victorious in this fight. Unfortunately,
the area is being threatened again and such battles must continually
be fought.
Favorite Civil War Things
three messages share a few of Brian's Civil War "favorites."
On April 13, 1999, Brian replied to my email regarding the Memorial
Day material he sent for posting to this site.
am glad you liked the Memorial Day material -- since that topic means
a lot to me, from a spiritual and philosophical standpoint -- I sent
you more than you will likely need, but if nothing else you can keep
some in reserve for future use.
February 10, 1999, Brian responded to a message I sent, commenting on
the "Echoes of the Blue and Gray (Volume I)" video from Bill
Styple's Belle Grove Publishing Company:
so much -- I thoroughly enjoyed writing that narration for Bill's
"Echoes" tapes and saw it as you surmise, as a tribute from
me (us) to them -- the veterans.
am doing well. I hope to lead my company [A, 5th NYVI] in the President's
Day Parade on Monday.
visiting the updates to this Web site, Brian wrote on January 28, 1999:
so much for posting the [Winslow] Homer 'Zouave'
[image to your site] and for the link [to our 5th NY living history
group Web site]....
is one of my favorites, too, and was I think the greatest of the Civil
War artists in that his paintings are very authentic and true to the
soldiers' life and experiences. The Zouaves he painted were 5th New
York men, as he saw them during a visit to the front during the siege
of Yorktown in 1862 -- and when the 5th came home in 1863, he purchased
a uniform from one of the men that he used on models at his studio.
Chamberlain quote [posted
to this site] is also one of my all-time favorites, as I am sure you
surmise. I keep a compendium of some of his quotes and writings that
appeal to me, as I think he captured, and articulated so well that
giving of something greater than self, that transcendence of self
for things that were eternal -- that gets to the heart of what that
service and sacrifice was about....

tribute continues with:
Great War
to Brian's Pages
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