

Text Books/ Academic Books


Azirah Hashim, M.K. David and James Mclellan(Eds.)(2009). MESL Handbook, UM press.

M.K. David, et.al(Eds.)(2009). Code-Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


David, M.k, Govindasamy, S and V.Kumar (2008). A Guide to Supervision Serdang, University Putra Malaysia Press.

David, M.K, Alagappar. P and Yee.W (2008). Malaysian Youth: Filial Responsibility and Attitudes towards the Elderly. Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM). Bangi.

M.K. David and K.Kow.(Eds.)(2008). Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.


•David, M. K. (2007). A Guide for the English Language Teacher: A Malaysian Perspective. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.

•David, M. K. (ed.) (2007). Language and Human Rights. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.


•David, M. K. (ed.) (2006). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. ISBN: 983-2535-98-0

•Rizvi, M. A., David, M. K. & Afendras, E. (eds.)(2006). Professional Communication. New Dehli: Paragon International.

• David, M. K. (Co-editor) (2006). Kamus Mah-Meri-Melayu-Inggeris/A Mah Meri-Malay-English Dictionary. Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya.

• David, M. K, Ain Nadzimah Abdullah and Hafriza B. (eds.) (2006). The Power of Language and the Media. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

•Kuang C. H., & David, M. K. (2006). Writing the Research Paper. Serdang: UPM Publications.

Ashraf Rizvi, E. Afendras and M.K. David (Eds.)(2006). Business Communication: Challenges and Prospects. New Dehli: Paragon International.

• David, M. K. (ed.) (2004). Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-9709, ISBN 3-631-53080-3, US-ISBN 08204-7367-7

• David, M. K. (ed.) (2002). Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-3709, ISBN 3-631-38920-5, US-ISBN 0-8204-5461-3

• David, M. K. and Fatimah Hashim (eds) (2002). Developing Reading Skills. Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi. ISBN 983-59-1377-3

• David, M. K. (2001). The Sindhis of Malaysia: A Sociolinguistic Account. London: Asean. ISBN 1-901919-13-7

• David, M. K., Tunku Mohani and Fatimah Haroun (eds.) (2000). English in Challenging Times. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association. ISBN 983-40511-0-7

• David, M.K. (ed.) (1996). Innovations in Approaches to the Teaching and Learning of English. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.

• David, M. K. (1994). Easy Malay for Tourists. Shah Alam: Federal Publications Sdn. Bhd. ISBN 967-814-9

• Hyacinth Gaudart and M. K.David (eds) (1993). Towards More Effective Learning & Teaching Of English. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.

• Jamaliah Mohd. Ali, M.K. David, Faridah Pawan, Norazit, L. Shahril Marzuki (eds) (1992). Proceedings on Literacy in Asian Societies. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Reading Association and The International Development in Asia Committee International Reading Association.

Chapter or part of academic book


Zuraidah Mohd. Don, M.K. (2009). Doing Critical Discourse Anlaysis: Pedagogical Ramifications. In Zuraidah Mohd. Don (Eds.). English in a Globalised World. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.

David, M.K. (2009). Code Switching Phenomena in the Process of Language Shift. In Zuraidah Mohd. Don (Eds.). English in a Globalised World. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.

David, M.K, S, McLellan, J., Kuang, C.H. and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah. (2009). 'Code-Switching practices in newspaper headlines in Malaysia: A 50-year comparative study'. In M.K. David et.al (Eds.). Studies of Code-Switching in Malaysia.

David, M.K. and Yoong, D. (2009). Code-Switching in Eldercare. In S. I. Harnisch (ed.) In Memorium Rudolfo Jacobson.

David, M.K.(2009). Relational and Power Concerns for ESP Teachers. In Sabiha Mansoor (Ed). Emerging Issues in TEFL, Challenges for South Asia. OUP: Karachi.

David, M.K. (2009). Code Switching Among Sindhis Experiencing Language Shift in Malaysia. In Michel Boivin and Matthew A. Cook (Eds.), Interpreting the Sindhi World: Essays on Culture and History. Karachi: OUP.

David, M.K. (2009). Moving beyond schema in Extensive Reading. In Andrzej Cirocki (ed.). Extensive Reading. Polish Scientific Publishers PWN. Poland.


David, M.K.(2008). Relational and Power Concerns for ESP Teachers in S.Mansoor (Eds.). Emerging Issues in TEFL Challenges, for SEA: Karachi OUP.

David, M.K. and Yong J. (2008). Gendered Self-representations: How the Worlds Successful Women and Men Speak in Journalistic Interviews. A.Lin (Eds.). Symbolic Struggles. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

David, M.K. (2008). Learning Cultural Norms of Discourse through Texts. In Zuraidah Mohd. Don (Eds.). English in a Globalised World. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.

David, M.K. (2008). Vindri of Kuala Lumpur. In K. Mehta and A. Singh (Eds.) Indian Diaspora - Voices of the Diasporic Elders in Five Countries. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (107-122).

David, M.K. (Eds.)(2008). Politeness in Intergenerational Malaysian Sindhi Discourse: An Accommodation Perspective. Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.

David, M.K. (Eds.)(2008). Language Policies - Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines. In T. de Graaf, N. Ostler and R. Salverda (Eds). Endangered Languages and Language Learning. Bath and Leeuwarden: F.E.L. and Fryske Akademy. (79-86).


• David, M. K. and McLellan, J. (2007). Nativized Varieties of English in News Reports in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. In A. Kirkpatrick, D. Prescott, I. Martin and A. Hashim (eds.) Englishes in South East Asia (pp. 93-117). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

• McLellan, J. and David, M. K. (2007). A Review of Code-Switching Reseach in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. In A. Kirkpatrick, D. Prescott, I. Martin and A. Hashim (eds.) Englishes in South East Asia (pp.69-92). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

• David, M. K. (Eds).(2007). Use of Authentic Data in the Speaking Classroom. In Hemamala Ratwatte and Sreemali Herath, English in the Multilingual Environment. Colombo, Slelta. 111-124.

• David, M. K. and Yoong, D. (2007). Elderspeak: Deprivation of Linguistic Human Rights?. In M. K. David (ed.) Language and Human Rights (pp. 145-163). Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.
• Caesar Dealwis and David, M. K. (2007). Sensitivity to Code Selected for Discourse: Focus on the Bidayuhs in Kampung Bogag, Bau District, Sarawak. In M.K. David, N. Ostler and C. Dealwis, (Eds). Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts. FEL, Bath, 56-64.

• David, M. K. and Baatinathan, P. (2007). Interpreters in the Malaysian Courtoom: A Language and Human Rights Perspective. In M. K. David (ed.) Language and Human Rights (pp. 192-214). Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.

•David, M. K. (ed.) (2007). Politeness in Intergenerational Malaysian Sindhi Discourse: An Accommodation Perspective. Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.


• David, M. K. (2006). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies-Building Self-Esteem of Teacher Trainees. In Zainuri Loap Ahmad, Abdul Halim Ali, Intan Safinas Mohd Ariff Albakri, Abdul Halim Ibrahim, Mariam Mohamed Nor, Ainon Omar (eds.). Teaching and Learning of English as a Second Language (pp.43-52). Tanjung Malim, Perak: Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. ISBN 783-2620-82-1

•David, M. K. (2006). Relational and Power Concerns in Professional Communication. Rizvi, M. A., David, M. K. & Afendras, E. (eds.). Professional Communication. New Dehli: Paragon International.

•David, M. K. (2006). Language choice in Sindhi families. In M. K. David (2006). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. ISBN: 983-2535-98-0

•David, M. K. (2006). Preface ix-xvi. In M. K. David (Eds). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.

• David, M. K. (2006). Media Framing of a Rape and Murder of a Child in English Dailies in Malaysia. In David, Maya Khemlani, Hafriza Burhanudeen and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds.). Language and the Media (pp. 22-36). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-3709 ISBN 3-631-53753-0

•David, M. K. (2006). Negociando Una Política Del Lenguaje Para La Malasia Independiente. In R. Terborg (ed.). Los retos de la planificación del lenguaje en el siglo XXI (pp. 59-76). México, DF:. Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras/ UNAM. ISBN 970-32-3475-5.

• David, M. K. and Kuang, C. H. (2006). Revisioning Aging: A Semiotic Analysis of a New Magazine. In David, Maya Khemlani, Hafriza Burhanudeen and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds.). The Power of Language and the Media (pp. 61-69). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-3709 ISBN 3-631-53753-0

•David, M.K. and Subragovindasamy, S. (2005). The Construction of National Identity and Globalization in Multilingual Malaysia in Amy Tsui (ed.) . Lawrence Erbalm NJ Chapter 4.

• David, M. K. (2005). Action Research and Use of Authentic Data for the ESP Practitioner: Code-Switching in Malaysian Courtrooms In D. T. Dayg & J. S. Quakenbush (ed). Linguistics and language education in the Philippines and beyond: A festschrift in Honor of Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (pp. 281-304). Manila, Philippines: Linguistic Society of the Philippines. ISBN 971-780-023-5

• David, M. K. (2005). Contesting Discourses. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (eds.). Adapting to New Realities: Prospects, Perspectives and Possibilities 8th English in South East Asia Conference. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.

• David, M. K. (2005). Goal: Oracy? Use Authentic Discourse. Subramaniam, Ganakumaran and Shahizah Ismail Hamdan (eds.). Oracy in Focus (pp. 20-34). Kuala Lumpur: Sasbadi-MELTA. ISBN 983-59-2584-4

• David, M.K. and Govindasamy, S. (2005). Negotiating a Language Policy for Malaysia: Local Demand for Affirmative Action Versus Challenges from Globalization. In S. Canagarajah (ed.). Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice (pp. 123-146). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates.ISBN 0-8058-4592-5

• Kuang, C. H. & David, M. K. (2005). Reconstructing Images of the Older Woman: Asian Western Perspectives. In Wu Zongjie, Fang Fan and Zhao Weili (eds.). Cultural Diversity of Discourse: Facilitate Coexistence and Harmony (pp. 40-53). ISBN 7-89490-120-2/H.37

• Zuraidah Mohd Don and David, M. K. (2005). The Testing of Literacy Skills in an ESL Environment. Chan S. H. (ed.). ELT Concerns in Assessment (pp. 111-126). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi. ISBN 983-59-2583-6

• David, M. K. (2004). Greetings in Multilingual Malaysia. In (ed.). Language, Ethnicity and the Mind Vol. 2, (pp. 10-16). Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russian Federation. Maikop: RIO AGU Publishers.

• David M. K. (2004). Language Policies in a Multilingual Nation: Focus on Malaysia. In M. K. David (ed.). Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia (pp. 1-15). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-9709, ISBN 3-631-53080-3, US-ISBN 08204-7367-7

• David, M. K. (2004). Language Policy in Malaysia: Empowerment or Disenfranchisement? In Sabiha Mansoor, Shaheen Meraj and Aliya Tahir (eds.), Language Policy Planning and Practice: A South Asian Perspective (pp. 79-90). Karachi: Aga Khan University Oxford University Press. ISBN 019579965-8

• David, M. K. and Govindasamy, S. (2004). Investigating the Male Voice in a ESL Classroom. In B. Norton and A. Pavlenko (eds.). Gender and English Language Learners (pp. 59-68). Arlington, Virginia: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc. ISBN 1931185131

• David, M. K. and Kaur, B. (2004). Language Choices and Communicative Strategies Across Generations–Focus on Malaysian Sindhi and Punjabi Families. In Nilufer Ocel et al. (eds.). 2nd International Children & Communication Conference (pp. 129-137). Istanbul: Istanbul University School of Communication.

• David, M. K. and Zuraidah M. D. (2004). Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom. In Shameem Rafiq (ed.), Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom (pp. 208-225). Kuala Lumpur, Melta-Sasbadi. ISBN 983-59-2200-4

• David, M. K. (2003). Culture Capsules: Triggers to Cross-cultural Language Awareness. In R. Millrood et al (eds). Research Methodology: Teaching Languages In a Cross-Cultural Space (pp. 7-12). Tambov: Tambov University Press.

• David, M. K. (2003). English for Legal Purposes: Moving from Known Schemas to Unknown Schemas. In E. Malachi Edwin Vethamani (ed.), Readings in TESL Vol 1: Essays in Honour of Hyacinth Gaudart (pp. 85-102). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi. ISBN 983-59-1656-x

• David, M. K. (2003). English Language Education: Language Policy in Malaysia-Empowerment or Disenfranchisement? In S. Mansoor et al (eds.). Language Policy, Planning and Practice: A South Asian Perspective (pp. 79-90). Karachi: Oxford. ISBN 0-19-579965-8.

• David, M. K. (2003). Language Policy in Malaysia–Empowerment or Disenfranchisement? Focus on the Malaysian Indian Community. In Phyllis M Ryan and Roland Terborg (eds.), Language Issues of Inequality (pp. 157-170). Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. ISBN 970-32-0641-7

• David, M. K. (2003). Role and Function of Silence in the Malaysian Courtrooms. In Asmah Haji Omar et al (eds.). Language and Empowerment (161-174). Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Bahasa Moden Kuala Lumpur.

• David, M. K. and Govindasamy, S. (2003). Language Education and ‘Nation Building’ in Multilingual Malaysia. In J. Bourne and E. Reid (eds.). Language Education: World Yearbook of Education 2003 (pp. 215-226). London: Kogan Page. ISBN 0749436131

• David, M. K. and Kow, Y. C. (2003). Reading Comprehension Text: Stimulus to Spoken Discourse. In J. Burton and C. Clennell (eds.). Interaction and language Learning (pp. 49-64). TESOL Practise Series Chap 5. ISBN 1931185050

• David, M. K. (2002), Communicative Strategies in Sindhi Homes. In M. K. David (ed.), Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies (pp. 59-70). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-3709, ISBN 3-631-38920-5, US-ISBN 0-8204-5461-3

• David, M. K. (2002). Use of L1 in the Reading Classroom: A Strategic Resource? In M. K. David and Fatimah Hashim (eds.), Approaches to Teaching Reading: Focus on the Second Language Classroom (pp. 33-42). Kuala Lumpur: Pearson. ISBN 983-59-1377-3

• David, M. K. (2002). “You look good”: Responses of Malaysians to Compliments. In Rosli Talif et al. (eds.). Diverse voices 2: Selected Readings in English (pp. 111-119). Serdang: Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. ISBN 893-41184-1-4

• David, M. K., Kuang, C. H. and Zuraidah Mohd Don (2002). Routines of Request in an Academic Setting. In C. Lee and W. Littlewood (eds.), Culture, Communication and Language Pedagogy (pp. 11-24). Language Centre: Hong Kong Baptist University.

• David, M.K. and Nambiar, M. (2002). Exogamous Marriages and Out-migration: Language Shift of the Malayalees in Malaysia. In M. K. David (ed.), Methodological Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies (pp. 125-134). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. ISSN 0934-3709, ISBN 3-631-38920-5, US-ISBN 0-8204-5461-3

• David, M. K. and Yong, J. (2002). Even Obituaries Reflect Cultural Norms and Values. In A. Kirkpatrick (ed.). Englishes in Asia: Community, Identity, Power and Education (pp. 169-178). Melbourne, Language Australia.

• Govindasamy, S. and David, M.K. (2002). Literacy Practices: Developing Hypothesis about the Functions of English Word Order Patterns in Texts. In M.K. David and Fatimah Hashim (eds.). Approaches to teaching reading: Focus on the second language reader (Chapter 6, pp. 75-94). Kuala Lumpur: MELTA-Sasbadi. ISBN 983-59-1377-3
• David, M. K. & Kochappan, G. (2001). Reflection as a Language Learning and Teaching Device. In: (Ed., Jayakaran Mukundan) Reflections, Visions & Dreams of Practice: Selected Papers from the International Education Conference 2001. Kuala Lumpur: ITC Learning Sdn. Bhd. pp. 297-300. ISBN983-40860-0-8.

• David, M. K. (2000). Creativity in the Language of Malaysian Youth-An Exploratory Study. In Halimah Mohd Said & Ng Keat Siew (eds.), English is an Asian Language: The Malaysian Context (pp. 64-72). Melbourne: Persatuan Bahasa Moden Malaysia & Macquarie Lib Pty Ltd. ISBN 1876429-10-0

• David, M. K. and Lynne Norazit (1996). Opening the Muslim World to Non-Muslim Students. In Jalal Uddin Khan and Adrain Hare (eds.), English and Islam: Creative Encounters 96 (pp 395-402). Kuala Lumpur: Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia.

• David, M. K. (1995). Group Interaction: Rules of Spoken Discourse in a Classroom Setting. In Zainab Abdul Majid and Loga Mahesan Baskaran (eds.). Verbal Interaction at Play: Rules of Speaking (pp. 125-137). Kuala Lumpur: Pelanduk Press. ISBN 967-978-548-3

• David, M. K. (1994). Menggalakkan Anak Membaca (Encouraging Your Child to Read). In Halimah Badioze Zaman dan Jamaliah Mohd. Ali (eds.). Amalan Pembacaan (pp. 77-86). Kuala Lumpur: Reading Association of Malaysia. ISBN 983-99965-0-9

• David, M. K. (1993). Language and the Law : Communicative Strategies in a Court of Law - a Malaysian Experience. In Khaw, Lake Tee (ed.). Legal Education In Malaysia - Quo Vadis? 20th Anniversary Law Conference Proceedings of 20th Anniversary Law Conference (pp. 109-116). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.

• David, M. K. (1993). Capitalising on Language Contact and Borrowing. In Hyacinth Gaudart and M. K. David (eds.). Towards More Effective Learning and Teaching of English (pp. 74-76). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English language Teaching Association.

• David, M. K. (1992). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies: A Springboard to Language Proficiency? In Wijasuriya, B., & Gaudart, H. (eds.). Teaching and Learning English in Challenging Situations (pp. 45-49). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.

Referred academic/professional journals


• David, M. K. (2009). Book Review. Language in the Media. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-2.

• David, M. K. (2008). Analysing Cultural Norms through Literary Texts: A Pedagogical Approach. BOCA Linguistic Journal. 1:2, pp 23-40.

br>• Kuang, C.H. and David, M. K. (2008). The Phenomenon of Intermixing Languages in Emails: Roles and Functions. Pratibimba - The Journal of IMIS, 8 (2, 55-61).
br>• David, M. K. (2008). Language Choice of Urban Sino - Indians in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Migracijske I etnicke teme.


• David, M. K. and Faridah Noor. (2007). Anak Bapak: Persepsi Tentang Lelaki yang Dicerminkan dalam Peribahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa, March.

• David, M. K. and Dealwis, C. (2007). Close and Dense Networks: Do they Lead to Maintenance of the Ethnic Language? Focus on the Telegu Community in Kuching, Sarawak. Migracijske | Etnicke 22(4), pp. 343-361.

• David, M. K. and Kuang, C. H. (2007). Deconstucting and Reconstucting Images of the Older Woman. Biannual Journal of Gender and Social Issues 4(1-2), 1-18.

• David, M. K. and Ngeow, Y. M. (2007). Gender Stereotypes in Malaysian Parliamentary Debates. E-Journal. Retrieved from http://samaraaltlinguo.narod.ru/ejournal/ej2.html.1.

• Dealwis, C. and David, M. K. (2007). Shy Speakers: Hearing Their Voices. Migracijske | Etnicke Teme 1-2, 51-64.

David, M.K. and Kuang, C.H.(2007). Deconstructing and Reconstructing Images of the Older Woman. Biannual Journal of Gender and Social Issues. 4:1-2, 1-18.

David, M.K. and Ngeow Y.M.(2007). "Gender Stereotypes in Malaysian Parliamentary Debates". E-Journal.

David, M.K. and Zuraidah Mohd Dom (2007). A Plea for the Use of Authentic Data in the ESP Classroom Journal of Communication Practices. 4:1.

David, M.K. and Yoong, David (2007). Constructive Communication in Marriage and the Family. Lagos Papers in English Studies Vol. 1:130-144.


• David, M. K. (2006). Communication Patterns between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Focus on the Malaysian Punjabi Sikh Community. Jurnal Bahasa Jendela Alam 4, 460-469.
• David, M. K. (2006). Knowledge of Psycholinguistics: Vital for Language Teaching. SPELT.

•David, M. K. and Dealwis, C. (2006). Close and Dense Networks: Does It Lead to Maintenance of the Ethnic Language? Focus on the Telegu Community in Kuching, Sarawak. Migracijske 4.

•David, M. K. & Don, Z. M. (2006). A Plea for the Use of Authentic Data in the ESP Classroom. Journal of Communication Practices.
• David, M. K., Jariah Mohd Jan, Kow, Y. C. and Yoong, S. C. (2006). Function and Role of Laughter in Malaysian Women’s and Men’s Talk. Multilingua 25, 77 - 99. ISSN 0167-8507

•David, M. K. (2006). Budaya dalam bahasa. March 2006. Dewan Bahasa, 34-38. ISSN 1511-9092
•David, M. K. (2006). Prologue. Multilingua 25. Special issue: Spoken discourse in Malaysia, 1-7. ISSN 0167-8507

• Kuang, C. H., David, M. K. and Zuraidah Mohd Don (2006). Requests: Voices of Malaysian Children. Multilingua 25, 27-42. ISSN 0167-8507

• Yoong, S. C. and David, M. K. (2006). Talking to Older Malaysians: A Case Study. Multilingua 25, 165-182. ISSN 0167-8507

• David, M. K. (2005). International Report on Literacy Research-Malaysia. Reading Research Quarterly 39(3).

• David, M. K. (2005). Spoken Discourse and Cultural Capsules-Triggers to Cross-Cultural Language Awareness. Jurnal Peradaban Melayu 3, 15-26.

• Govindasamy, S. & David, M.K. (2005). Word Order Analysis of English. Australian Language and Literacy Matters 2(3), 13-20.

• Kuang Ching Hei and David, M. K. (2005). The Power of Vocabulary: Deconstructing Images of the older woman. Journal of Communication Practices 2:1, 75-94. ISBN 81-89253-08-05
• David, M. K. & Kuang, C. H. (2005). Requests and Cultural Norms. Journal of Communication Practices 2 (1), 95-110. ISBN 81-89253-0805

• David, M. K. (2005). Komunikasi Orang Sindhi di Malaysia. Dewan Bahasa, September 2005, 54-58. ISSN 1511-9092

•David, M. K. (2005). Cultural Capsules and Reading Texts. TEFLIN Journal 16:2 ,214-228 . ISSN 021573X

• David, M. K. (2005). Communication between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Focus on Malaysian Sindhis. The International Scope Review 6(11).

• David, M. K. (2004), Code Switching in the Malaysian Courtroom. Multilingua 21(1), 5-20. ISSN 0167-8507

• David, M. K. (2004). Connections Between Text and Talk. Hwa Kang Journal of TEFL 10, 83-96. ISSN 1028-1878

• David, M. K. (2004). Feedback and Introspection: Vital language Learning and Teaching Tools. SPELT Quarterly 18(1), 1-10.

• David, M. K. (2004). Language Policy Changes in Multiracial Malaysia: Effects and Coping Strategies. Studies in Foreign Language Education 18, 33-50. ISSN 1225-4975

• David, M. K. (2004). Relational and Power Concerns for Language Teachers. Philippine Journal for Language Teaching 43, 37-50.

• David, M. K. (2004). Representation of Sociolinguistics Realities in Language Teaching. Journal of Communication Practices 1, 19-33.

• David, M. K. (2004). Strengths in Immigrant Family Communication: Focus on Malaysian Sindhis. The International Scope Review 11.

• David, M. K. and Zuraidah Mohd. Don (2004). Deconstructing Advertisements: Uncovering Ideological Bias. Literacy Across Cultures 12(2), 2-9.

• Govindasamy, S. and David, M. K. (2004). Creating Language Awareness: Role and Function of Discourse Devices in Reading Texts. Australian Language and Literacy Matters 1(4), 5-10.

• Govindasamy S. and David, M. K. (2004). Pengaruh Budaya Gender dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa. Dewan Bahasa. November 2004. ISSN 15119084

• David, M. K. (2003). Discourse Norms: Compliments in Multilingual Malaysia. Language and International Communication 1, 95-104. [issue editor] ISSN 01652516

• David, M. K. (2003). Language Policy Changes in Multiracial Malaysia–Effects and Coping Strategies. Studies in Foreign Language Education 18, 33-50.

• David, M. K, Ibtisam, N. and Sheena Kaur. (2003). The Punjabi Community in the Klang Valley, Malaysia- Language Maintenance or Language Shift? International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 1-20. [issue editor] ISSN 01652516

• David, M. K. (2003). Function and Role of Code-switching in Malaysian Courts. Multilingua 21, 1-20.

• David, M. K. (2003). Language Maintenance or Language Shift in a Rural Malaysian Setting? Urdu in Marang, Kelantan. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 1-10. [issue editor] ISSN 01652516

• David, M. K. (2003). The Pakistani Community in Machang, Kelantan: Reasons for Language Shift. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 47-54. ISSN 0165-2516

• David, M. K. and Faridah Noor (2003). Parental Responsibilities as Represented in Malay Proverbs. Journal of Modern Languages 15, 85-104. ISSN 1675-526x

• David, M. K, Naji, I., and Sheena Kaur (2003). Language Maintenance or Language Shift among the Punjabi Sikh Community in Malaysia? International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 1-25. ISSN 0165-2516

• Kow, Y. C. and David, M. K. (2003). The Multilingual Matrix of Malaysian Newspapers. In Australian Language Matters 2(2), 3-4. ISSN 1449-3659

• Naji, I. and David, M. K (2003). Markers of Ethnic Identity: Focus on the Malaysian Tamil Community. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 91-102. ISSN 0165-2516

• Zuraidah M. D. and David, M. K. (2003). Gendered Discourse: Ramifications for English Language Teaching. Australian Language Matters 1(4), 2-9. ISSN 1449-3659


• David, M. K. (2002). Mengajar Pembacaan Melalui Bahasa Ibunda: Satu Rasional. Dewan Bahasa 1(6), 51-54. ISSN 15119084

• David, M. K. (2002). Stop Talking, Start Listening: Role of Feedback in Improving Teaching. ACELT Journal 1(1), 40-46. ISSN 0118-993x

• David M. K. &Govindasam, S. (2002). Communicative Strategies and Cross-cultural Awareness: Core Components for Business English. Teaching English for International Business 1(2), 50-59. ISSN 13336-1648

• Govindasamy, S. & David M. K (2002). Biodata of Conference Presenters: Empowering and Disenfranchising Features. Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada 35(20), 29-42. ISSN: 1576-5059

• David, M. K. (2001). Mengajar Pembacaan Melalui Bahasa Ibunda. Dewan Bahasa, June 2001, 51-54.
• David, M. K. and Pratheepa Mohandas. (2001). Different strokes: Variations on a Theme. Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada 34, 29-36. ISSN 0185-2647
• David, M. K. (2001). The Sindhis of London: Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Migracijske I etnicke Teme 3, 215-238.

• Govindasamy S. and David, M. K. (2001). Flow of Thought in Texts: Discourse Devices as Signals in Journalistic Writing. Jurnal Pembacaan 4, 74-93. ISSN 0128-6188

• David, M. K., Rosli Talif, Jariah Mohd. Jan, E. Chelliah, S. Sudandarambal. (2001). Gender Differences in Response to Texts. The English Teacher 30, 67-74. ISSN 8128-7729.

• David, M. K. (2000). Sapaan di Malaysia yang Berbilang Bahasa. Dewan Bahasa 2(3), 28-33. ISSN 15119084

Technical Report 2008

David, M.K. (2008). Discourse of a Prime Minister: Towards National Unity? (Submitted to Perdana Foundation)


David, M.K. et.al.(2007). Inter-generational Transmission of Values Across Ethnic Groups, Project Leader, 2004-2007, submitted to (Ministry of Women and Family Development).


David, M.K. (2005) Assimilation of Malaysian Indian Community? (submitted to UPSI).


Faridah Noor Mohd. Noor, Azirah Hashim, Maya David. et.al. (2004). The Effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning of English in Higher Institutions of Learning (submitted to the Ministry of Education).
• David, M. K. and Naji, I. (2000). Do Minorities Have to Abandon Their Languages? A Case Study of the Malaysian Tamils. The International Scope Review 2:3, 1-15.

• David, M. K. (2000). The Sindhis of Singapore: Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Migracijske Teme 16(3), 271-288. ISSN 0352-5600

• David, M. K. (2000). The Status and Role of English in Malaysia: Ramifications for English Language Teaching. English Australia 18, 141-50. ISSN 1449-4496

• David, M. K. and Lynne Norazit (2000). Selection of Reading Texts: Moving Beyond Content Schema. Literacy Across Culture 4(1), 11-17.

• David, M. K. (1999). Acquiring Communicative Competence in the Reading Classroom. Literacy Across Cultures 3(1), 16-20.

• David, M. K. (1999). Language Maintenance or Language Shift-Sindhis in Malaysia? Jurnal Bahasa Moden 12, 135-146.

• David, M. K. (1999). Trading in an Intercultural Context: The Case of Malaysia. http://www.socialcapital-foundation.org/journal/volume%201999/issue2/David.htm

• David, M. K. and Faridah, N. (1999). Language Maintenance or Language Shift in the Portuguese Settlement of Malacca in Malaysia? Migracijske teme 15(4), 465-481. ISSN 0352-5600

• David, M. K. and Kuang, C. H. (1999). Interethnic Variations in the Use of Directives in Malaysia. The Hong Kong Linguist 19-20, 36-44. ISSN 1025-2347

• David, M. K. (1999). Mengetahui Kebudayaan Dunia dan Cara Bertutur Melalui Teks Bacaan. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 43(4), 367-72. ISSN 15119084

• David, M. K. (1998). Language Shift, Cultural Maintenance and Ethnic Identity: A Study of a Minority Community: The Sindhis of Malaysia. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 130, 67-76. ISSN 0165-2516

• Jariah Mohd Jan and David, M.K. (1996). Oral Skills: A Need for Acceptance of L1 Cultural Norms. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities 4, 11-19.

• David, M. K. (1996). Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationships: A North/South Indian Perspective as Seen in Sindhi and Tamil Proverbs. Journal of the Malaysian Modern Language Association 1, 73-80. ISSN 1394-3936

• Lim, S.L. and David, M. K. (1995). Building Self-esteem of Teacher Trainees: Awareness of Communicative Abilities. The English Teacher 24, 22-35. ISSN 8128-7729

• David, M. K. (1993). Kaedah Pengajaran, Pembacaan yang Berkesan: Membaca Secara Kuat atau Membaca dengan Senyap. Jurnal Pembacaan 2, 64-68. ISSN 0128-6188

• Jariah Mohd Jan and David, Maya Khemlani (1992). Oral Skills – A Need for Acceptance of L1 Cultural Norms. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities 4(1), 11-19.

• David, M. K. (1991). The Sindhis in Malaysia-Language Maintenance, Language Loss or Language Death? In Jones, G. & Ozog, C. (compilers). Collected papers from the conference on bilingualism and national development, 9-12 December 1991. Brunei: University of Brunei Darussalam, 368-380.

• David, M. K. (1990). The Bell Tolls for Communicative Language Teaching. The English Teacher 19, 73-80. ISSN 8128-7729


2008 David, M.K.(2008). Language Policies - Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines. In T. de Graaf, N. Ostler and R. Salverda. Endangered Languages and Language Learning. Bath and Leeuwarden: F.E.L. and Fryske Akademy. (79-86).


David, M. K. (2007). Use of Authentic Data in the Speaking Classroom. In H. Ratwatte and S. Herath (eds.) English in the Multilingual Environment (pp. 111-124). Colombo Slelta.

David, M. K. (2007). Soft Skills and the Pre-Employment Programme: Focus on the University of Malaya. In S. H. A. Aziz et al. Pembangunan Modal Insan, Monography 1 Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran IPTA Pusat Pembangunan Akademik, Universiti Putera Malaysia, 152-161.

David, M. K. (2007). Threatening Faces in Malaysian Parliamentary Debates. In Ashok Thorat (ed.). Pragmatics. Collection of Papers presented at the International Conference on Pragmatics. Pune, 60-75

Dealwis, C. and David, M.K. (2007). Sensitivity to Code Selected for Discourse: Focus on the Bidayuhs in Kampung Bogag, Bau District, Sarawak. In M.K. David, N. Ostler and C. Dealwis (eds.) Working together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts. FEL, Bath, 56-64.

Mukherjee, D and David, M.K. (2007). Adaptation or Integration? Language Choice in Malaysian Indian Communities. In the Proceedings of the 21st International Croation Applied Linguistic Society Conference. Language Policy and Language Reality. Croation Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Institute of Scientific and Artistic Work, Croatia. 24-26 May, 2007.

W.Z. Wan Kassim and M.K. David. (2007) Teaching Methodology: Use of dual Coding in Vocabulary Teaching. In Sidek Hj. Ab. Aziz et al. Teknologi dan Inovasi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Monograph 3 Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran IPTA Pusat Pembangunan Akademik, Universiti Putera Malaysia, 1-10.

David, M.K. and Kuang, C.H.(2007). Local Lexical Instrusions in Local English Dailies. In Brown, David (Eds.). Proceedings of Language in the Realm of Social Dynamics, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN 978-974-677-636-3. pp 135-148.

David, M. K. (2006). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies-Building Self-Esteem of Teacher Trainees. In Proceedings of the International Seminar of English Language Teaching and Teacher Training 2001. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

David, M. K. 2005. The Network Theory and Language Maintenance: a Study of Three Communities in Peninsular Malaysia in Crawhall, Nigel, and Nicholas Ostler, edd. (2005). Creating Outsiders: Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalisation. (Proc. FEL IX, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 18-20 November 2005), Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 184 pp. 153-157. ISBN 0-9538248-7-X

• David, M. K. (1992). How late is late? Paper presented at the International Conference on Language and the perception of Time and Space, Language Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (pp. 87-93). ISBN 983-9705-39-3

• Jamaliah Mohd. Ali, David, M. K., Faridah Pawan, Norazit, L., Shahril Marzuki (1992). Proceedings on Literacy in Asian Societies. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Reading Association and The International Development in Asia Committee International Reading Association. ISBN 983-99886-03


• David, M. K. (2005). My Work as a Malaysian Sociolinguist. Bulletin 5(1), 6-8.

• David, M. K. (2006). Aku Hanya Mahu ke Seberang [translation]. Hashim, A. & Pagadaev, V. (eds.). Aku Hanya Mahu ke Seberang (p. 38). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN 9836273050


Year Event
Jun 2008 Media Representations: New Images of Men as seen in Malaysian Magazine, Contemporary Roles and Challenges- International Conference On Communication and Media 2008 (UUM), 04 Jun to 05 Jun 2008, (International)
Jun 2008 Local Lexical Instrusions In English Dailes: A comparison of Malaysian, Singapore and Pakistan Newspaper. 18th International Congress of Linguistists, Seoul, Korea, 21 Jun 2008 to 26 Jun 2008. (International)
Apr 2008 Conceptualization of Nationalism Through Language and Symbols, Nationalism, East and West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood. 15 April 2008 to 17 April 2008, University of London. (International)
May 2008 Abused in Interpretation, Multiculturalism and the Law, Law Faculty, University of Malaya, 06 May 2008 to 07 May 2008. (International)
Aug 2008 The Relationship Between Language Proficiency and Inter-Ethnic Relationships, CUASEAN Conference Secretariat, Bangkok, 04 Aug 2008 to 05 Aug 2008. (International)
Jun 2008 Nativization of English In Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan ana the Philippines as seen in English Dailies, Linguistic Society of the Philippines 2008 International Conference and General Meeting, 28 Jun 2008. (International)
Sept 2008 Professional Goals: Use of Mixed Discourse In Interviews, First International Sociology Forum in Barcelona, Spain, 05 Sept 2008 to 08 Sept 2008. (International)
May 2007 Bridging Ethnic Groups, Solls Intec, 15 May 2007 to 16 May 2007. (International)
Sept 2008 Media Discourse as a double-edged Sword in Ethnic Integration: Press as Jekyll or Hyde? TSCF Conference, Malta, 11 Sept 2008. (International).)
March 2007 'Perpaduan Melalui Wacana.' Keynote address at the Seminar SKET at the University Museum
April 2007 'Impolite Discourse in Malaysian and UK Parliamentary Discourse.' Paper presentation at the Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, China.
June 2007 'Visual Aids in Teaching Vocabulary.' Paper presentation at the 5th Asia TEFL conference hosted by MELTA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with Kuang Ching Hei
April 2007 'Bridging Ethnic Groups.' Paper presentation at SOLLsINTEC07, UKM with Kuang Ching Hei
2006 Invited speaker International Conference on Pragmatics in Pune, India, December 15-17, 2006
2006 Paper Presentation "Language Maintenance or Language Shift?: Focus on a Minority Community in an Urban Setting" at the Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan UM 2006: "Developing Knowledge Capital through Research." Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. Sept 6-7, 2006.
2006 Presenter Foundation for Endangered Languages, Mysore, Karnataka, India, October 25-27, 2006
2006 Invited particpant to the Bengkel Pelaksanaan Modul Pembangunan Kemahiran Insaniah IPTA at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, UPM, August 22-24, 2006.
2006 Co-Presenter (Paper 1) at the Borneo Research Council Conference: Borneo in the New Century, Kuching, Sarawak. July 31-August 1, 2006
2006 Co-Presenter (Paper 2) at the Borneo Research Council Conference: Borneo in the New Century, Kuching, Sarawak. July 31-August 1, 2006
2006 Presentation of "Ethics in the Legal Profession in Professional Ethics" organised by Modern Language Association. Kuala Lumpur 7-8 Feb 2006
2006 M.K. David and Yoong, D. Presentation of "Constructive Communication in Marriage and the Family" in Seminar Falsafah Perkahwinan Mencari Kebahagian melalui Perkahwinan, Pusat Pembangunan Keluarga Universiti Malaya (UMCFD), Kuala Lumpur. 29-30
March, 2006
2006 M.K. David and Kuang Ching Hei. Presentation of "Local Lexical Entries in English Dailies in Multilingual Malaysia" in the Language in the Realm of Social
Dynamics, Bangkok, 8-10 March 2006.
2006 Invited speaker, "Roles and functions of Supervisers/Supervisees" at the Seminar Calon Ijazah Tinggi. Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, June 8, 2006
2006 Workshops Attended on CSL/Praat in FBL, UM, 20-21 March 2006
2005 Plenary speaker Aga Khan University on Language Culture and Identity: Issues and Challenges July 16-17, 2005
2004 Paper Presentation at the International Conference Peradaban Melayu 11, Kuala Lumpur, Feb 26-28, 2004.
2004 Paper Presentation "Communication between Grandparents and Grandchildren-Focus on the Punjabi Sikh Community in the Klang Valley" at the Seminar Pembangunan Keluarga Kebangsaan 2004: Thema Cabaran Institusi Keluarga Menempuh Alaf Baru, University of Malaya, May 29-30, 2004.
2004 Invited speaker at the International Conference of Intercultural Communication, Lahore, Pakistan, Dec 3, 2004.
2004 Invited speaker at the International Social Sciences Conference in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Dec 10-12, 2004.
2004 Participant at the MELTA 2004 conference on Oracy, Petaling Jaya
2004 Invited speaker at the 52nd Teflin International Conference, at Palembang, Indonesia, Dec 7-9, 2004.
2004 Plenary Speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Language Education, Manila, Phillipines. April 21-23, 2004
2004 Invited speaker at the Seminar Kebangsaan Plurality, Unity and Peace, organised by the Pusat Dialog Peradaban UM and Majlis Kebangsaan Pertubuhan Wanita Malaysia, June 15-16, 2004
2004 Invited speaker at the English in the Multilingual Environment, Oct 8-10, 2004.
2004 Paper presentation by Kuang, C. H. and M.K. David at the International Conference of Discourse and Cultural Transformation, Hangzhou, China, Oct 9-13, 2004.
2004 Invited speaker at the Agents for Change, Karachi, Pakistan, Oct 1-3, 2004.
2004 Invited speaker at the Post Micollac 2003 Seminar, May 28, 2004

Copyright © 2001-2006 Maya Khemlani David. Do not use without appropriate citation. Contact mayadavid@yahoo.com for more information.