
Academic Qualification
Year awardedQualificationInstitution
1996Ph.D.University of Malaya
1989Masters in Applied LinguisticsUniversity of Essex, United Kingdom
1986Masters in Public AdministrationUniversity of Malaya
1970B.A. (Hons)University of Malaya
1987Dip. In LinguisticsWestern Australian College of Advanced Education
1977ISAInstitute of Chartered Secretaries and Administraters, UK
1986Cert. TESLRegional Language Center, Singapore

Work Experience
2007--Head of SKET Section for Co-curricular, External Faculty Electives & TITAS (SKET), University of Malaya
2004-Professor Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
2003-2004 Deputy Dean (Post Graduate and Research) Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
1998-2003 Associate Professor Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
1988-1997Lecturer Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
1986-1988Language Teacher Pusat Bahasa, University of Malaya
1980-1985Documentor Pusat Bahasa, University of Malaya
1971-1977Lecturer (General Paper and Economics) TAR College

Administrative Functions
2003- Member of Research Committee, Member of Committee for Post Graduate Education
2003-2004Deputy Dean (Post-Graduate and Research), Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
2000-2002 Head, Distance Education ( English) University of Malaya
1988-2000 Coordinater , Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, University of Malaya

TitleInstitution/ Company
Presenter on Networking Skills (Sept 4-15, 2006)Science and Technology Management Training Course for Researchers in OIC Countries
Presenter on Networking Skills (Nov 22, 2006)Training course on Research and Development Approaches and Management for Young Scientists
Presenter on Convincing Your Audience (Sept 12, 2006)Medical Ethnics, Conduct and Medico-legal Issues in Orthopaedic Surgery
Chief Researcher of Intergenerational Transmission of Values across Ethnic Groups (2005-2006)Modern Language Association. Funding provided by Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia.
Consultant and Examiner. Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) 3, 4, 5 & 6 (2005-2006)University of Malaya
Research Scholar UPSI (2004-)Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Guest speaker The Science and Management Training Course for Researchers in OIC countries (Sept 19-30 2005)Jabatan Pengajian Sains dan Teknologi
External examiner, USM (2004) Universiti Sains Malaysia
External examiner, UKM (2004) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
External examiner, UPM (2005 and 2006) Universiti Putra Malaysia
Chair, Evaluating CD-ROM English Form 3 (26 May-4 June 2004 & 28 july 2005- 6 august 2005) Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
Auditing twin Masters Programmes of English language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Center for Applied Language Studies, UPSI, Tanjung Malim. (2006). Member of the Board
Pengajaran dan Keberkesanan Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris di IPTA (Research: The Teaching and Effectiveness of English in Local Public Universities) (2001-2002) Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Project estimated costs - $249,000
Chair – Evaluating Form 4 English textbooks for Malaysia, textbook to be used in 2003 (2001-2002)Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
Facilitator and trainer- Cross-cultural communication. (1998-2003) Institute of Diplomatic and Foreign Relations, Malaysia. (Institut Diplomasi & Hubungan Luar Negeri)
Chair, University of Malaya team of examiners (2000-2001) Matriculation Division, Kementeriaan Pendidikaan Malaysia ( Ministry of Education)

The International Scope Review (2005-2007) Member of Managing Board and Editorial Director
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (2005-) Member of the Curriculum Design for the B.A. English in Education
Chartered Institute of Linguists, United Kingdom (2003-current) Honorary Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguistics, United Kingdom
International Reading Association (2004-current) Peer Reviewer International Reading Association’s Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Reading Research Quarterly (2004-current)International Research Correspondents
Journal Communication Practices (2005-current)Board of Editors
Hong Kong Linguist 2003-current)Adviser
Journal of Modern Languages (2004-) Editorial Board Memberr
Catholic Teachers' Association of Malaysia (2004-06) Committee member
Modern Language Association (2005-) Vice President and life member
Malaysian Reading Association (2003-2005) Vice President and life member
RELC Alumni (2006-) Vice President
International Gerontological AssociationLife Member
Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (1995-1999) Life Member and Editor

Research Work

a) Completed Research

Title Source and funding Date of research Research associates (if any) Outcome of research
Vote F 2007

Persepsi Kanak-Kanak Terhadap Etnik Lain

RM 12,000

Prof. Dr. Maya Khemlani David

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karen Kow


Kuang Ching Hei

Uztas Zaki

Results presented in Journal

Perdana Leadership Foundation Research Grant 2006: Letter of Agreement

Perdana Leadership Foundation

RM 12,000

Prof. Dr. Maya Khemlani David

Results presented in Journal

Grandparenting in Selected Asian Societies (R-134-000-040-112)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),Grant-in-Aid for
 Scientific Research (B), No. 15402029. for Year 2003/2004 thru Waseda  University

RM 10,000

Associate Prof Dr Kalyani Mehta, National University of Singapore

Associate Prof Dr Thang Leng Leng, National University of Singapore

Prof Iris Chi, Hong Kong

Prof Peerasit, Thailand

Prof Chonkim, Korea

Results presented in the International Journal of Intergenerational Relationships (JIR) and a chapter in the book, "Meaning and Experience of Grandparenting in Five Asian Countries"

My associates from the NUS and I are editors of the book which would be published in 2007

Discourse in Malaysian Families

About RM11,000
Jan 2006

Prof Madya Dr Karen Kow

Dr Jawakhir Mior Jaafar

Dr Stefanie Pillai

Mrs Kuang Ching Hei

Book 1: Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (in press- July 2006)

Research and publication contribute to the development of the Faculty and University

b) On-going research

Title Source and funding Research date Research associates (if any) Outcome of research
Discourse in Malaysian Families Abt RM11,000 Fundamental Jan 2006

Assoc Prof Dr Karen Kow

Rr Jawakhir Mior Jaafar

Dr Stefanie Pillai

Mrs Kuang Ching Hei

Book 2: Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse will be sent to the publishers in Oct 2006

Research and publication will contribute towards the development of the Faculty, University and Nation

Language Maintenance or Language Shift among the Punjabi Community in Kuantan

About RM3,900 Vote F Feb 2006  

Research on-going

Possible international publication
Inter-generational Transmission of Values Across Ethnic Groups


Nov 2004-

Prof Chan (UPM)

Assoc Prof Dr Faridah Noor (UM)

Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (UPM)

Siti Rohana (UM)

Hazidi Hamid (Open University)

Sabariah Md Rashid (UPM)

Chong Siew Ling (UM)
Research will contribute to the development of local Universities and the Nation.

Encultration or Assimilation of the Malaysian  Indian Community

UPSI RM15,000 2004-2006

Book will be published by UPSI.

Research will contribute to the development of local Universities and the Nation.

Language Choice in Malaysian Courts

About RM1,000 Vote F, RM5,000 (Law Faculty fund) 2003-2004

Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Focus on an Orang Asli Kampung in an Urban Setting

About RM2,000 Vote F 2004-2005

Language Maintenance or Language Shift -the Punjabi Community in Kuantan?

About RM2,000 Vote F 2005-2006

Course CodeCourseProgramme
TXGA3147 Bahasa dan Hak Asasi (Language and Human Rights)Post-Graduate
TXGA3128 Spoken Discourse Analysis Post-Graduate
TXGA3128 Wacana Lisan (Spoken Discourse Analysis) Post-Graduate
TXGB6317 Sosiolinguistik Sociolinguistics) Post-Graduate
TXGC 6311Psycholinguistics Post-graduate
TXGA6301 Kommunikasi dlm Bahasa dan Antara Bahasa (Communication in Languages and between Languages) Post-Graduate
TXGB6318 Second Language Acquisition Post-Graduate
TXGB3102 Research Methodology Post-Graduate
TXGB6101 Applied Linguistics Post-Graduate
TXEA1307 Bahasa dan Penyelasaian Konflik (Language and Conflict Resolution) Undergraduate
TGAW3003 Bahasa dan Perpaduan Kebangsaan (Language and National Unity) Undergraduate
LXEA Bahasa untuk Amalan Guaman ( Language for the Legal Practitioner)Under-Graduate
English for Specific Purposes Under-graduate
English for Business Students Under-graduate
English Language Proficiency Under-graduate

Supervision and Examination of completed Ph.D. Dissertations/Theses
Name of CandidateTitle of Thesis
Hassan Mohamed Doga MorganAttitudes of Malay Students in Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language
K. Saramma a/p K P Thomas Language shift among the Syrian Christian Malayalees
Roksana Bibi AbdullahPemilihan dan Penggunaan Bahasa di Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu di Singapura (Choice and Use of Language amongst the Malay Community in Singapore)
Hajah Fatimah Binti Hj. Awg ChuchuAttitudes to Codeswitching in the Bruneian classroom: A Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspective
Idris Bin AmanWacana dan Praktis Kepimpinan: Satu Kajian terhadap Perutusan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohammad (Discourse and Practices of Leadership: A Case Study of the Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad’s Speeches)
Lean Mei LiThe Discursive Construction of AIDS in Print Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Nor Azmi MostafaBilingualism, Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Malay Secondary School Students: A Case Study
Ravichandran a/l K. DhaksinamoorthyA Sociolinguistics Study of Multiparty Negotiations among Diplomats from Third World Countries
Kuang Ching HeiSimultaneous Acquisition of Mandarin and English: A case study
Mohana Kumari NambiarLanguage Shift in the Malaysian Malayalee Community: A Study of Intra-group Variations
Ceasar Delwis @ DealwisLanguage Choices of the Bidayuh Community in Kuching
Norhayuza MohamadPenggunaan Strategi Pemetaan Semantik dalam Pengajaran Kosa Kata Bahasa Arab (The Strategies of Semantical Mapping in the Teaching of Arabic Vocabulary)

Ongoing Ph.D. supervision
Name of CandidateTitle of Thesis
Francisco Perlas DumanigLanguage Choice in Mixed Marriages

Supervision and Examination of Completed Master Dissertations/Theses
Name of CandidateTitle of Thesis
Ee Chop LerResolving Cultural Issues in ESL Proficiency in Rural Schools
Serina Ann Doss a/p A. Santhana DossThe Representation of Masculinity in a Malaysian English Magazine
Chu Geok BinLanguage Accommodation in Doctor-Patient Interaction
David Yoong Soon ChyeAccommodating the Elderly in a Malaysian Geriatric Day Care Centre: A Discourse Analysis
Sudesh Nicholas RamachandranLanguage Maintenance and Shift among the Portuguese Eurasians in the Portuguese Settlement
Jessan Kaur a/p Nasib SinghKreol Kristang di Melaka: Satu Kajian Pembentukan Kata dan Ethnografi (Kristang Creole in Malacca: A Study of Word Formations and Ethnography)
Zarina bt. OthmanA Study of Learners Perception of an Effective Business Negotiation
Loi Cheh KimKreol An Error Analysis of English Prepositions in the Written Work of Upper Secondary Malay Students
Halizah OmarCommunication Strategies in Job Interviews
Mohd. Raja AbdullahCommunication between Supervisor and ESL Trainee-Teacher during Teaching Practice
Pritam SinghLexical and Semantic Variation in a Malaysian English Newspaper
Hafizah AhmadFormal Features of Co-operative Talk amongst Malay Female Speakers
Gan Kan HuiCici-cici Wacana Orang Tua (Discourse features of the elderly)
Noor Ashikin Ghazali Kesopanan Negatif: Satu Tinjauan Di Kalangan Penutur Melayu Di Utara dan Tengah Semenanjung (Negative Politeness: An Exploratary Study of Malay Speakers in Peninsular Malaysia)
Lim Choy WanRepresentation of Racial Politics in a Malaysian Play: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Big Purge
Salehuddin b. Abg. ShokeranPemasyarakatan Bahasa di Malaysia: Kempen oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dalam Memperkembang dan Memperluas Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu. (The Socialisation of Language in Malaysia: The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Campaign in Expanding the Use of the Malay Language)
Nor Wardiah bt. Ahmad HadzriPsycholinguitics
Salomy Sumithra a/p KrishnaA Schema Theoretic View of How Readers Interpret a Religious Text
Yep Yoon LayCommunication within and across Cultures
Wan Zulkifli Wan KassimApplied Linguistics
Parvathy a/p BatinathanLanguage and Human Rights
Lim Chin ChyeDiscourse Analysis
Usha Agnetha OngCode-switching in Interviews
Poon Soo YeeOpenings and Closings
Maheswari A/P P. SubramaniamLanguage Choices of Malay Students: A Case Study
Warinthip Kaenin Metacognitive Strategies Used by Thai University Students while Reading an English Text

Supervision of candidates completing MESL/MLING/MML
Name of CandidateTitle of Thesis
Norjah bt HassanApplied Linguistics
Foo Ze ShanSociolinguistics
Uma a/p GunasilanApplied Linguistics
Yaw Yee PengSociolinguistics
Saidah binti IsmailLanguage Use of the Bugis Community
Hansini ThedchanaSpoken Discourse
Suo Yan JuDiscourse Analysis
Suzana Rita binti BazarPsycholinguistic
Ng Siok HiongDiscourse Analysis
Aries Dahan GanDiscourse Analysis
Elham ShahbanApplied Linguistic
Nor Wardiah bt. Ahmad HadzriPsycholinguistics

Linguapax Prize Winner 2007, Unescocat - centre UNESCO de Catalunya (2007)
•Adjunct Professor, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia (2005)
•Honorary Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguists, United Kingdom (2003)
•Research Grant, Waseda University, Japan (2004)
•Best poster presentation, "Mah Meri Language and Culture" at the Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan, University of Malaya, Malaysia (2006)
•Bronze medal for poster presentation, "Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur" at the Research, Invention and Innovation EKSPO, University of Malaya, Malaysia (2006)

Copyright © 2001-2006 Maya Khemlani David. Do not use without appropriate citation. Contact mayadavid@yahoo.com for more information.