Melange is, if you're forgiven the hemi-tautology, is definitely a miscellany and a medley. What's here to explore?
Prose and Poetry - some of these files, Random Prose are speculative essays also linked to Classical Resources . There's two sorts of poetry - one is really more paraphrases - the collection of which I call Poema Mutata . These are many but not all of my translations from English and Japanese into Latin and Greek. I will be adding some hymns and carols eventually. There are some original verses in sonnet and similar forms which I will be adding to later this year. There's my response to Terrorism - a geas - which I call A Prayer for Terrorists It applies to any person or movement or country who commits acts of violence on civilian targets.
This section is very untidy at the. I was converging and re-organising various files. At the moment there's still some Star Gate script fragments that will be either removed or converted to fiction son if something you found before has gone - it's being reworked! The satires and similar stuff are linked to Sassy Gate .
This is a list of my favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Links. Mu criteria for placing sites is this: You have a major well known site or I've visited your site and liked it or you were polite to me in a forum or I respect the work you've put into your site and feel it should be listed even if you havnt got the manners to do a reciprocal linking.
This site gives you info about Julia Houston'sNewsletter which I recommend highly.
Want Buffy and Angel News and transcripts? Forums those places where you can watch fandom on its best and worst behaviour !
Gateworld was linked to a Delphi forum but has recently moved its forum. This site is also linked to to other major fan sites for Sf&f programs and has some excellent TREK links. Our Star Gate is still linked to a Delphi forum.
The Save Daniel Jackson site is linked to several other major SG sites.
Gaters Net is a popular forum that's been thru several name changes and upgrades and is actually one of the oldest continuously running forums for Gater fandom.
Ascifi supports forums for a wide variety of fandoms.
Send me suggestions for more?!
Still open for the moment but over due for changes are my old SG section top page which will probably be renamed Sf& F Stuff and be linked to the List of Links above when its done and to the SG Names
Last of all there's the Bio and GALLERY sections. These will be getting a major rework. New pictures will be added if and when I can fit a scanner into my budget - hopefully by the middle of 2004!
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