Classical Resources


Some notes about and a list of Latin Fifth Declension Nouns - yes there are more than three!
Read about Gerunds in Latin and English. Latin Trek is a list of Star Trek terminology or technobabble translated into Latin!


This is the link to my Transliteration Guide which describes and discusses with a table and notes the transliteration of the Greek Alphabet into our Roman alphabet. Hellenic Trek is similar to the Latin Trek word list but has Classical and Demotic Greek! I have a list of books about Greek language you might find useful? It includes reviews of usability, text books, dictionaries, grammars, and more.
Here's a word list of Greek words using the - sune suffix to turn adjectives into abstract nouns. I transliterated the Greek spelling into English I'm considering creating a file using the extended set of Symbol.

Classical Culture

Fate and Destiny - notes on Greek and Latin words involving fate and destiny.

Language and Grammar

Want to learn about Gerunds?
Upgrades have been completed to my essay on the The Definite Article in English and my SURVEY of definite and related demonstrative forms and subject/ object markers throughout the the world's languages. This has now been split into five sections if you include the introduction which explains all the changes and gives links to them.

Poema Mutata

Poema Mutata has HEIAN POETRY and other translations into and from Greek and Latin. This section also contains various famous and lesser known but interesting English poems translated into Latin and Greek paraphrases - a reversal of the usual procedure. There are also language and grammar notes so you can set these as classroom exercises if you wish so. I also havesome my own original verse in various forms such as sonnets or haiku linked to this page.

Random Prose

Would you like to read my essays and articles on Civilisation Memetics and Parahistory? Or a copy of Lamb's famous Gallantry essay? Visit Random Prose

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