Uses for Hellenic Trek
Someone suggested to me, when the earliest versions of this list appeared on Internet, that the idea behind Latin Trek and Hellenic trek seemed a bit silly to them so I would like to present to my readers two or three possible uses for this vocabulary list -
ONE - Latin and Greek Prose Composition.
I loathed doing prose compositions using battles and dead Spartans and Athenian ships versus the Persian navy as subjects. I thought it might be a good challenge for students to try to use different "modern" subjects - Dr. Bev healing someone in the Sickbay or Engineer La Forge working on the Warp Drive. Which could also be tied into discussions of how Latin and Greek have contributed to modern medical and scientific terminology.
TWO - Emphasizing the differences between Ancient and Modern forms of Greek for those teachers who have bilingual students.
THREE - As well as loving the Classics I like Science Fiction and Fantasy and Star Trek. Good classicists are Generalists!
Where a word has NO Demotika form that I have been able to find I have given only the ancient classical term or my own construction based on ancient forms. Where the English word has only a Demotika equivalent likewise I have created a form using the ancient radicals. I apologize for any irregularities or errors in my Demotika!
Diphthongs in Demotika are pronounced differently due to phonetic changes over the centuries. Some classical diphthongs are still written as diphthongs but pronounced as vowels in modern Greek.
Ai = e
ou = oo
a, e, ee, before u = vowel > v before voiced sounds or f elsewhere
ee, I, u, = I, - ei, oi, ui, also = i
Note Latin v/w is written as ou in ancient greek.
I have transliterated all the greek letters into roman abc equivalents - giving the ancient Katherousa pronounciation first and the Demotika second.
This is for the benefit of readers with no access to Greek fonts.
Transliteration Guide
A = Ancient or Attic (Classical), D = Demotika, Modern Greek.
Letter |
Ancient |
Demotika |
Notes |
a |
a |
a |
b |
b |
v |
In D. B is written mp |
g |
g |
before/a o u = medial fricative /j/ |
also = j
d |
d |
In D. d is written nt d = /dh/ |
dh = fricative in Eng. breath |
e |
e |
e |
z |
z/ds |
ts/ds or z |
ee |
ee - long vowel |
= ei/i |
"th" (symbol on keyboard for this digraph) |
th aspirate |
= th - Eng.fricative |
see |
I |
I |
before a = j |
jatros = jatros |
k |
k (not kh) |
k |
l |
l |
l |
m |
m |
m |
n |
n |
n |
note final n is variable |
x |
x = ks |
same |
o |
short o omicron |
o |
see diphthongs |
p |
p (never ph) |
p |
r |
r(h) |
r |
s |
s |
s |
note no SH in Greek |
t |
t |
t |
u |
u = Fr./ Ger. "ue" |
I (psilon) |
see notes |
ph |
p h aspirate |
f |
ps |
ps |
ps |
c |
kh aspirate |
'h' fricative or X in Gaelic loch |
often written as h when trans. D. |
w or oo |
long vowel - omega |
o |
Academy - Akademeia
Acting (also activating, energising and engaging as a command)
Use Agete or Prasse/te. In D. use the "subjunctive" marker - tha
Admiral - Nauarkhos D. Navarhos
Alliance - Summakhia.
Animated Series - TAS - moving or living pictures in sequence -
Hee seira or sunekhees biousa eikoon
Antimatter - Dusulee D. Disille
Away Team - ? apelthoon plus kheir? Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
Android/robot - Anthroopomeekhanee ergatees
D. anthroopomihani ergatis.
Bajor - Baior with the o a long vowel. A famous Bajoran is Kuria Nerissa
Being - Zooion
BORG - cyBORG Collective Kuberneetika sullogika D. kivernitika sillogika
Bow - front part of a ship - Prora
Captain (of a ship) - Nauarkhos
D. - ploiarhos, lohagos, arhigos
Captain Jean-Luc Picard is Nauarchos Iohannes Lukios Ambionos.
Other captains are Iacoobos Tiberios Kuriakos and Katherina or Kati Iooannaodos.
One of these years poor old Guihelmos Rikeeros may join their ranks.
Cardassia - treat this as a feminine noun
Cat - In demotika gatoula or psipsina "pussycat" or gata or gatos from Latin gattus which is probably from Greek gattos from an unknown source. Ailouros"wavy tail" is usually the classical word for cat but someitmes is applied to vivverids and mustelids as Ferrets were also kept as pets.
Cloaking Device - Meekhane kruptousa or kaluptousa.. Note kruptoo = D. krivousa hide.
Cochrane Zefram - Zephramos Kokhranos
Colony - Apoikia, kleeroukhia D. - paroikia.
Command - verb compounds of tassoo D. Protassoo Noouns Pros/epi/tagma.
Commander - Arkheegos = Imperator - D. arhigos
Khiliarkhos = tribunus - D. hiliarhos.
In the Athenian navy Commanders were Keleusthees.
Lt.Commanders - pentekosiarkhos
Centurio = hekatonarkhos Bow officers - proreus or prooiratees
Junior officers or Decurions - dekadarkhos - dekatarchos
Subcommander - Huparkhos General - strateegos.
Computer - meekhanee arithmeetikee D. - ipologistis.
Communicator - To angellon or apostellon D. possibly ana/ept/koinoonon
Console - pinakion
Counsellor - If male Sumbolos or exegetees or Bouleeteees from which comes the fem. Bouleetria which in Demotika is Voulitria.
Data - Dooron - Dr.Soon's little gift to the Galaxy! And Borg Queen pinup boy
Deck - Sanidoma or katastroma
Deep Space Nine - Hupseelos topos ennea D.ipsilos topos ennea
Disruptor - Meekhanee koptousa D. thrafstis from verb thrauw?
Doctor - Iatra fem. Iatria D. fem. = Iatraina.!
Famous Starfleet doctors are Leonardos Koinnidos, Beuerlia Krusia and Dr. Ioulianos Basir(os).
Empath - a problem since empath is a modern compound from Greek empatheia. Empath and empathy as the ability not just to be sensitive but to sense emotions regardless of possibly contradictory body language in the science fiction and Trek sense of the word would probably be the Greek terms sumpatheia or homonoia. An empath might be a homoipathees or aistheetees or one could use a participle from the verbs ennow or katanow.
Engineer - Tekhnitees or Meekhanopoios D. mihanikos or mihanandigos
Engine= device so Meekhanee
Enterprise - epikheireesee or tolmeema..
Empire - To krastos or arkhee or exousia D. autokratoria.
Fan - erastees philos D. - ripidi, anemistiras, enthousiastis, thiasootis.
Fantasy -. Phantasia or dream - oneiron.
Federation -suntheekee D. - omosponda.
Ferengi - Ferreggai. On DSN Kuarkos, Rom(os) and Nog(gos)..
Fiction -Muthos or dieegeesis D - mithistorima..
(La) Forge - Khalkeion or sideerourgeion.
Galley - kitchen -
Galaxy - galaxia is another loan word from Greek.
Great bird of the Galaxy -Mega ornis galaxias.
Guinan - Guinanna.
Helm - kuberneetees D. - kivernitis, timoni, pidalio.
Holodeck - Topos Phantasia D. - omoiooma..
Hyper - hupeer see also space and drive and warp.
Impulse Drive - Hormee
IDIC - Either APES or ATDES. Apeiron Poikilia En Summixei or perhaps Apeiron Ta Diaphora En Susteemati (I wasn't sure which was the best translation of the word combination - suggestions and discussion for improvements welcomed!)
Keel - Tropis
Lieutenant - Lokhagos or hupolokhagos
Make it so! Poiee or esto or D. kame or kamne
Marine - epibatees!
Particle - soomatidion or morion
Phaser is an acronym - the greek acronym might be Bada or Vadha
Bia Auxeesis Dia Aphieutousees
Diegoirousees Aktinobolia.
Photon Torpedo - Light Particle Weapon - Phoos Atomos Bolis or Hoplon.
D. - Footonion soomatidion Torpilli.
Planet - planeetees
Poop and stern - rear part of ship or raised deck
Port - left forward.
Prow - front part of bow.Prora
Q - Daimoon parakosmos or from the Continuum - heenoomenos..
Radio ?Radio - Facetiae Latinae suggests radiophonus or radiophonicus.
Science - Phusika or episteemee
Security - Sooteria or ablabees - D. asfaleia
a member of security is a naufulax making whorf the arkhinaufulax.
Series - Seira or sunkhees.
TOS The Original Series would be Series Protoos,
and The Next Generation - Engutatos gennea
SHIP -Naus Ploion ploiarion = navicula D. - karavis, thalomigos
A merchant ship would be a n asemos or akatos or ploia Naval is always Naus!
Star Ship - Astronaus
Star Fleet - Astrostolos
Star Trek - Astroplous
Sublight - Hupophoos
Subspace - Hupodiasteema
Transwarp -. Hupoitosteemoon
Telepath - see empath - there is a demotic term - tilepatheia
Ten Forward - Deka empros
Transporter -.meta/pheroo or komizo are the possible verbs?
Trek - Journey - Verb metanasteuoo or Noun Poreia or Poreuma
Uniform - vestitus (militaris)
Voyager - Xenos - D. Taxidiootis
Warbird - polemornis D. polemopteron
Warp Drive - Meekhanee Kinousa Elaunouseei
Whorf - Ourphos
Zine - Apotheekee or ekdosee D. periodiko?