Pete Azzole's On-line Library


Reunion 1998
Also Serve
What Exactly?




ULTRA; The Silver Bullet

"Reset your calendar to May 23, 1943 and picture yourself in London. There was a select group of British civil servants, Wrens and Officers celebrating in the Cabinet War Rooms, in the Operational Intelligence Centre (OIC) of the Admiralty in London, and in the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) in Bletchley Park, located fifty miles northwest of London..."

Link to this article 
on the CRYPTOLOG web site



Below is a collection of articles written for the CRYPTOLOG which are neither historical or nostalgic in nature. 

They may be viewed/ downloaded directly from this page.



My First NCVA Reunion

NCVA Annual Reunion, Washington, DC 1998
"…Everyone was, in the parlance of the owl,
having a hoot…"

View/download this article (12K)



They Also Serve

Pearl Harbor reflections
"…We need not decide the definition of a hero…"

View/download this article (11K)



Unexpected Lessons from Burke,
Halsey, MacArthur and Nimitz

"The Lord gave us two ends;
one to think with and one to sit on.
The war depends on which we choose.
Heads we win, tails we lose."

---- Admiral "Bull" Halsey ----

View/download this article (19K)



What Exactly Do These People Do?

"…Besides the spying and stuff,
what are the underlying issues
and even sub-culture dynamics of
people in this field?…
" (Humor)

View/download this article (10K)


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This page last updated: February 19, 2000