Pete Azzole's On-line Library


Capt. Rochefort
Other C-LOG





The "CRYPTOLOG" is the journal of the Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association (NCVA). I have been a Contributing Editor for CRYPTOLOG since 1993. My column, AFTERTHOUGHTS, carries articles about cryptologic history and nostalgia.

Articles in the cryptologic history series are found in the CRYPTOLOG section of the NCVA web site. Summaries are posted on this site.

Articles which contain personal nostalgia and other topics are posted on this site.

The navigation bar buttons at left will guide you.

CRYPTOLOG articles are made available with the kind permission of CRYPTOLOG, the journal of The Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association, 1010 SW Eleventh Street, Corvallis, OR 97333-4240  (800)USA-NCVA. CRYPTOLOG owns the copyright to all materials in the CRYPTOLOG Annex.


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This page last updated: October 09, 1999