Member Info

At Dynamic Speakers we believe mentoring our newest members benefits new members as well as experienced ones. The Vice President Membership connects a new member with an experienced member immediately after the new member joins the club. Generally, our mentors are members who have completed at least 6 speeches.

To aid both mentors and mentees, we've written the booklet, "Guide For The Mentor-ly Challenged." It provides information on what a mentor should tell a mentee, but it is also written so new members can learn about the club and Toastmasters on their own should they prefer to not have a mentor.

Click on the link below for your copy.

Guide For The Mentor-ly Challenged (Requires Acrobat Reader)

Mentoring New Officers

It's not just important to mentor new members. Members taking on officer roles for the first time benefit from the experience of previous officers. The information below provides some suggestions for officers:

Other Helpful Hints