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     If you love to read about King Arthur, his knights and their ladies, if you are fascinated by the blend of fact, fiction, and fantasy only found in the Arthurian legends, if you long for the days of chivalry and honor, then this is the site for you!

Whether you are an amateur Arthurian scholar looking for resources or a modern fantasy/ science fiction fan, you will find books and reviews here to help you.

In fact this site is in association with, the famous online bookstore. You can either link directly to their site, use the search feature below, or visit my Arthurian Bookstore (compiled from the site). Every time you use a link to from my site to buy a book about King Arthur, etc., you get fast, affordable, secure service, as well as great books!

Look for new features as this site grows, and be sure to take the Arthurian Survey in the guestbook!  Vote for your favorite knight, lady, book, movie, and more!

Disclaimer:  Just because I have a link to a site from any of my pages does not mean that I agree with all the ideas presented within those sites. I am not responsible for their content. Surfers are advised to use caution and sense when evaluating information presented on the web. 

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