Also, a great big thank you to everyone who puts graphics up for grabs on the web for us poor souls who can't afford all those clip-art programs!
5/30/00 -- I'm in the process of creating many of my own graphics now, but I still rely on many of the sites below. Maybe soon, I will be able to post my own free graphics on the web! The new background, banners, bars, etc. on the main pages are my own creations, except for the pansies. NetStudio and PaintShopPro are cool programs!
Karen Nicholas'
Celtic Web Art Lots of cool knot graphics, including sets! My sister
is using a lot of Karen's stuff right now.
Crescendo by LiveUpdate! -- Cool audio plug-in!
Enchanted Backgrounds
great stuff here!
Jelane's Families of Graphics This is where I got the old set for the main pages, before I made my own. Check her out!
Kyl's Medieval and Fantasy Clipart
Badger's Medieval Clipart Page
pansies came from here.
Web Counters Cool customizable counters!!
Clipart Castle Some
great designs here! I've used them a lot.