If you've
visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.
We'll highlight and announce the most recent additions and major changes to our
webpage. Please note that our webpage will continually be under construction.
The look may change slightly from time to time as we test new colors and
graphics. So please excuse the inconvenience this may cause... but at least you
have the best reason to keep checking out our site!
send e-mail through with questions, comments
or if you wish to join the webteam. We encourage you to join us in our effort
to keep the Assumption spirit alive. Short articles are best for the web. For
longer articles, please send them to Susan Sanares-Tan for publication in
the Assumpta Newsletter,
or to Raissa
Hechanova-Posadas for
publication in the Assumption 1977 E-Newsletter. For information about "Feed The Hungry" please contact Irene E. Aquino.
The WebStaff would appreciate if you could drop us a line. Go to the homepage, scroll down, and sign up! Just click on Guestbook. You'll also be able to view the other messages we've received.
span style='color:red'>Gina Carino’s “Personality Profiles” of Assumption girls, featuring Maribel Legarda.
First webpage launch of Si Si Nyunt-Goneconto: Whimsical ramblings of a 29 year old with 13 years
experience: "The Green
Machine - a personal catharsis."
Annie Panlilio-Salvador: Parenting Without a License Series: "An EDSA Chronicle." Also click on Previous Articles.
Picture Gallery has been updated and restructured into 3 categories: Class pictures, Family pictures, and Reunion pictures.
Family pictures: Vicky Veloso-Barrera & kids, Tricia Esteban-Vergel de Dios's family, Margie Castillo-Gomez's family; new family pictures of Annie
Panilio-Salvador and Belen Buendia-Vergel de Dios;
Reunion page: Aug 2001 Manila Polo Club reunion hosted
by Sen. Loren Legarda, and the Exec. Com. meeting hosted by Marie Concepcion-Young;
Makati mini-reunion pictures of Vicki Aldaba, Bey Carreon-Medina & Annabelle Garcia-Dario;
Christmas Reunion, Vancouver Reunion; and Rockwell
2000 Announcements:
Mary Ann Lao and Tinggay Avena-Castillo, December 2000.
Project: Assumption Cookbook
Annie Panlilio-Salvador: Parenting Without a License Series:
"Money Talks." Also click on Previous Articles.
Dr. Marisa Medina: Life, Advice and Anecdotes: "Growth Hormones."
two Assumption sites. The AC San Lo: Section 4-2 Online and the Assumption Antipolo 1993 webpage
Personal Family Webpages.
Each family now has a webpage of their own. Check out the Family Pictures webpage.
1999 Announcements:
Annie Panlilio-Salvador: Parenting Without a License Series: "Of Birds, Bees and other Trick Questions." Click on Annie's Previous Articles.
Chi Montano-Modugno: Happiness at Work Series: "Mentoring is not just a Corporate Buzzword."
Charilu Puno-Dizon: SuperWoman Series: "Side by Side."
Dr. Marisa Medina: Life, Advice and Anecdotes: "Myths of Water Therapy."
Marivic Lopa-Silva:
Go to AC News and Relations.
Gina Montinola-Ghini: Bacalao recipe
Gina Africa-Aboitiz: Bacalao-Spanish recipe
Susan Sanares-Tan: Princess Chicken recipe
Tricia Esteban-Vergel de Dios: Award winning recipe: Kalamansi Pie recipe
High school photos circa 1974-75. Go to the Gallery Page, select Class Photo. You'll definitely be in for a good laugh!!! Click on Sr. Mary Ann's picture... hehehehehehe....
Look at how Gia Reyes-Locsin's children have grown. Go to the Gallery Page, select Family Pictures.
Feed the Hungry (FtH) webpages are now complete. Please help by distributing FtH flyers and FtH projects at fund raising events.
Click on any Tweety Bird image you see in our pages, and you'll hear it sing or talk.
Annie Panlilio-Salvador: Parenting Without a License Series: "Pulling Through." Click on Annie's Previous Articles.
Chi Montano-Modugno: Happiness at Work Series: "Position yourself so your next job finds you."
Charilu Puno-Dizon: SuperWoman Series: "Guilt." Also click on Previous Articles.
The Corner Store (a.k.a. Tindahan sa Kanto): Sonny & Belen Buendia-Vergel de Dios's virtual bookstore of Filipino books can be accessed from our Products & Services page.
Greetings from Sr. Mary Ann Azanza: Community News page.
Picture Gallery: Tina Zulueta-Manolo Avancena wedding; Sonny & Belen Buendia-Vergel de Dios and kids; and Cherrie Tan-Cruz's kids are featured in our newly renovated Picture Gallery.
REGISTER NOW for the Assumption Reunion in August. Go to Joey Albert's page and print out the registration form and all the detailed information you need. Go to Joey's page for a treat... you'll hear Tweety Bird --our class mascot-- sing.
Charilu Puno-Dizon: SuperWoman Series: "Stress". At the bottom of her page, click on Previous Articles.
Dr. Marisa Medina: Tiramisu recipe.
Read the reply letter from US Veterans Affairs (in behalf of the President's Office) to Vicky Viray-Mendoza regarding her letter seeking his support for the Filipino Equity Bill for the WWII war veterans.
Calling Ginavillie and Ginamonti! A German and an Italian version of the main page can now be viewed from the homepage.
Tricia Esteban-Vergel de Dios: Pineapple Glazed Ham recipe.
Marivic Lopa-Silva: Assumption Tarts and Plates
Chiqui Brosas-Hahn's Child-birth webpage can now be viewed from the Products & Services page.
We have posted the contact name/address for sending hurricane relief aid to Central America through the Religious of the Assumption sisters. Visit the Assumption Community News and Relations page.
1998 Announcements:
A French version of the main page can be
viewed from the homepage. Just click on the button
The homepage has a new blue & white look! And if you want to register as an alumnae, just click on the Alumnae Registry button. It will bring you to the Philippine Alumni Website where AC is listed. Make sure you select "No" to receive e-mails otherwise, you will be spammed!
Have you noticed our new multi-colored AC logos created by Marivic Lopa-Silva? All our banners now have AC logos
The AC Sites page links to Assumption, Millbury, Massachusetts. A new addition to the AC Sites page: a listing of AC alumni personal homepages is now in the works. Check out Racquel Montenegro-Hamm's and Karen Cruz-Luistro's homepages
Margie Ignacio's page is up; also accessible from the Assumption Community News. If you would like to write something about Margie, just send us an e-mail
Marivic Lopa-Silva: Assumption Fair
Charilu Puno-Dizon: SuperWoman Series page is up: Women's Issues
Vicky Viray-Mendoza: Filipino Veterans Equity
The AC Sites page links to Assumption, Alberta, Canada
Joey Albert-Pacis: Vancouver AC Reunion in August 1999
Dr. Marisa Medina: Get up and go!
Cata Tambunting-Talmadge: Pictures!
Susan Sanares-Tan's piece in Filipinas Magazine, August 1998
Vicky Viray-Mendoza: Two more desserts
Bey Carrion-Medina: The Recipé page is up. Try Bey's Banana Bread and Carrot Cake
AC 4-4 HS Class 1977 brick, MCI Sports Arena, Washington DC
Assumption 4-4 HS Class of 1977 Goes Online
Last modified: October 11, 2001