This page shows the modern descendants of the ancient Brahmi script.
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Important Notes:
- These charts have all the alphabets for which I can find fonts and find resources. Also, these are only alphabets that I could find a table of letters for. They are all reported as "in use" from different sources except the Tagolog script.
- These charts do not contain all the letters for many scripts - just the directly derived characters. A dash indicates that the certain letter does not exist in that script. The exception is Tibetan. Tibetan has characters that are modified forms of existing letters to represent Sanskrit letters not found in the native language. So, there are forms to represent these sounds, although they are not descended from their Brahmi counterparts. Thai has the most letters not included in these charts, followed by Tamil.
- Some characters presented are just used for transcribing foreign words or are obsolete and not in common use. The most obvious examples of this are the aspirated letters and retroflexes of Balinese, and the "j" and sibilants and aspirates of Tamil.
- The transcription (English) is standard Indic translation. This does not mean that is how the character is pronounced. The sounds are generally comparable for Northern Indian, Southern Indian, (with the exception of Tibetan), and Indonesian Scripts. The South-East Asian scripts diverge the most from these sounds.
- The chart is divided into four categories. They are: 1)North Indian scripts (I have included Tibetan), 2)South Indian scripts, 3)South-East Asian scripts, and 4)Pacific Island scripts or more specifically, Indonesian scripts & one Phillipino script.
- Making charts for vowels would be very time consuming and mind-boggling. I may try one day though.
- I now have fonts for all these languages. I am looking for fonts for the Philipino scripts in modern use - Buhid, Hanunóo, and Tagbanwa. Language/Script abbreviations:
DEV - Devanagari
GUJ - Gujarati
PUN - Punjabi (Gurmukhi)
BEN - Bengali
ASS - Assamese (identical to Bengali except for two characters as noted)
ORI - Oriya
TIB - Tibetan
TEL - Telugu
KAN - Kannada
TAM - Tamil
MAL - Malayalam
SIN - Sinhala
BUR - Burmese
LAO - Lao
THA - Thai
KHM - Khmer
JAV - Javanese
BAL - Balinese
TAG - Tagolog
BAT - Batak
BUG - Bugis (Buginese)
Please email me with if you have fonts for languages which I do not have fonts. Also, email me with suggestions, corrections, and script additions. Thanks and enjoy!





Glides (Semi-Vowels):
