- I Assure You !!!
Check out the

Got a lot of free time?? Wanna spend some time surfing the net?
Well, some of these sites might interest you....
And many of them, you'll love, that I assure you !!!
Besides, I know many of you would wanna know how I made this page,
the images on it etc. You can find all that information just down there!!
So, what are you waitin' for?? Click on......!!
Yes - It's TRUE!!!! - SEND LETTERS FREE - anywhere in INDIA!!
Yeah!!! It really IS TRUE!!! And, It WORKS!! - I've tested it!!
All u have to go is to go to this site and type the Recepient's
address, and type a message, and lo!!! Your letter reaches the Recepient within a maximum of 14 days!
Incredible huh???!! But, the sender should be outside India, and the recepient can be anywhere
Within India. This service has made the impossible - possible!!
I know many of u (Indians) out there have an Internet Connection, but
their relatives back home don't have one. Well, this site is the perfect solution
to all your postal problems!! Leaving out the speed, this service has all other features
of the E:Mail service.
- It is much quicker than normal post from the GULF, or USA etc.
- It is almost as reliable as E:Mail service.
- U can send as many letters as u want, anywhere in India.
- It's Free!
So, what r u waitin' for?? Go ahead and send as many letters as u want -

The best Web Space Provider - 11MB, absolutely free
This is where it all starts!!! Geocities is fully creditable for the existance
of this page!!! I'm sure many of y'all wanna have your own site on the web, just like me!
Well, get here, quick, and get some Free Web-Space. And
It's not 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 or 10 MB of space. It's FULL 11 MB !!! - ABSULUTELY FREE!!!
So, what r u waitin' for? Grab it quick, before that last Byte goes away!!!
And, believe me, Geocities is much better than any other Web-space provider!! You'll know when you get the space.
And what's more, MR. BUNNY up there would also recommend GEOCITIES!!
Only 5MB of Web-space, Free.
This is also something like GEOCITIES. Angelfire provides web-space too.
But, Angelfire gives only 5MB of space, as compared to the 11MB given by Geocities.
Wanna go, still??? The choice is yours! Besides, Angelfire is not as famous as Geocities,
so your hit-counter will always show the same figure there, unless ofcourse, u change it manually!!
11MB of Web space
Tripod again, provides 11MB of space, but I prefer Geocities. You can visit the Tripod Home Page to know more.
Xoom - Get 11MB of web-space - Free.
XOOM is the only web-space provider that is comparable to GEOCITIES. It provides 11MB of space. Besides, Xoom
also gives a Free chat room on your own page, registered under your own name etc. You can
check out all the features at the XOOM Home Page.
ISB Online
I study in the INDIAN SCHOOL, BAHRAIN. Would u like to see my School Online?
Well, Go ahead!.
The Best Software - Download Site
Download.com is certainly the best Download site online. You can find
literally EVERYTHING out here! From developers' programs, to musicians'. From Utilities
to Games, everything is there on Download.com - My Best download site!
Free Newspapers By E:Mail
This is something you would love! Because, it's really gonna SAVE your money!!!
I know most of you buy 2 or 3 newspapers - what for? For NEWS, obviously!! (DUH!!)
How 'bout if you get two newspapers absolutely FREE ???!! Everyday???!!
Wouldn't u love it?? Well, that's what this site does, gives you full HTML-enhanced,
cool looking newspapers, FREE, everyday.
And, that too, TWO newspapers in a day (Morning + Afternoon Edition). On top of that, you don't get any of those irritating adds
like the normal newspapers, which is one thing I really love about these newspapers.
And, best of all, you can choose exactly Which sections of the news you would like to receive. Now, ain't that cool??
I know many of you out there don't like to receive the boring FINANCIAL NEWS, or WEATHER REPORT etc. etc. Well, u don't like it?
Then Don't Have it!!!! Go ahead and check out this site, Which is only One Click Away!!
Great Images for your Home page and other stuff
This provides all the images you need, in the world. This includes all sorts of
gifs, jpgs, animated stuff, 3d stuff etc. Check it out!
All India Radio - Live!!!
This site is specially meant for Indians. I know many Indians all over the world are craving to
hear HINDI/INDIAN songs, specially, the old, classical type. So, this is The Site for you
my friends!!! You can listen to The All India Radio, LIVE here!!! Why don't you go ahead
and check it out??!!.
Download the latest of REAL PLAYER for streaming Audio & Video
Ofcourse, for listening to the Streaming Audio, or for viewing streaming Video, such as the
kind of video on news sites etc, you will need a Real Audio/Video Player. And which one is
better than the REAL PLAYER itself?? So, go ahead and download The latest
version of Real Player from this site to get the "REAL" Taste of the Internet!!
A perfect solution to all your Software Download needs!!
This again, like Download.com, is an Excellent download site. You can get all sorts of programs here,
for developers, for anybody.....
All sorts of Themes, Screensavers etc. - FREEEEEEE!!!
You r going to love this site if u like to have a new working environment everyday... Go ahead
and see what's in store for you!! Only, be careful, u may faint, 'cuz it's breathtaking!!!
Unzip and Zip your files with The BEST ZIPPING SOFTWARE !!
Now that you have started downloading files from Download.com and Tucows.com, you will certainly
need a Zip and Unzip software, to take care of the zipped files you have downloaded. And, why shoud you
settle in for something less, when The Best Software is available for FREE?!!
Go ahead, and Download the latest version now!!.
Great Multimedia Plugins for your browser
Several sites have got stuff which requires Shockrave plugin these days. So, why don't
you go ahead and get it? It really enhances the sound quality etc. and you get the Real Taste of the Net.
Click here to go ahead....
The latest version of Netscape Navigator/Communicator
Do I need to say anything? Go ahead and Download the latest version of Netscape Browser from their home !!
Download The coolest sw from MS + Downld the latest ver of Internet Explorer
Did you know that Microsoft is the best software company in Town??? Duuuuuuuuh! - is what u'll say, right? Well then, why don't
you go ahead and get some of the best software?? - Free!!! You'll find the latest
version of the best browser - Internet Explorer too!! All this, only at www.microsoft.com.
All sorts of tips and tricks for Developers
This site is really cool if you are trying to learn some HTML. It gives you great tricks and
tips on HyperText Markup Language (HTML) - the language for Web-pages. This site is great for
developers. And if anyone is going to make a web-page, this is the one site u'll love.
Great Tips and Tricks, reviews, etc. for Dynamic HTML
This site is strictly meant for advanced developers. You will learn a lot about the new
concept in HTML - Programming, DYNAMIC HTML, something that gives that extra edge to your home page.
See ZEE TV Online - one of the favourite Indian Channels
This site is totally dedicated to The famous Indian Channel, Zee Tv. It's great
for knowing about the newest programs, program schedules etc.
One of the fastest growing Indian Channels - ONLINE
Sony TV, which is almost equal in rating to Zee TV, is there online!! So, go Indians, and check out
the website of your favourite channel!!
Send COOL LOOKING, Animated Cards (With Music) to Friends
This is one of the latest trends developing on the net - sending Animated Virtual Greeting Cards. And
the best site for downloading such cards is Greeting-cards.com. And
you have a choice to send virtual, animated (with music) Flowers too!! And, what's more, several cards are
available FREE now!! You've got a really wide choice of cards - from Dad's Day, to Mom's day, from Birthday, to Anniversary
to Valentine's Day to Christmas to...to...to.. You've got all sorts of cards here!! I'm sure you'll love this site!!

Got any cool links to add to this page?? What are you waitin' for?
Write to me, and I'll be sure to add the links here!!
Thanking you,
Other pages from NAMIT BHATIA'S series of Pages:
Get back to Namit Bhatia's INTRODUCTORY PAGE
Go to Namit Bhatia's Page on INTERESTING FACTS
Download 50 Mathematics Games here - FREE!!
Grab a Cool Win '95 Tip
Go to Namit Bhatia's Page on COOL POEMS
Check out another cool Win'95 Tip !!!
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