Hi everybody!! Wanna know a cool Win '95 (or Win '98) tip?? Well, read on...!

Do ya notice something unusual on Moi's desktop (above)??
Do u see the CONTROL PANEL
Option on my start menu? Can u see all the Control Panel Options cascading downwards?
Wanna know how to do it? Well, follow the following "SIMPLE" steps to get it:
- Save this page onto your hard-disk if u want, for later referance, though, it's not necessary. (U should use FILE | Save As...) option of your browser.
- This may take u a little time(2-3 minutes), so if ur Inet charges per minute are very high, u may log off. Don't worry, this page won't disappear. Just mind that u don't close the browser window!
- Now, right click on your START MENU.
- Click on the "Explore" option. (After the explorer-like window opens, u should come back here, to this browser-window, by clicking the button on the task-bar, so that u can read further).
- IN THIS WINDOW:Now, highlight the following line (in this Browser window only):
- IN THIS WINDOW:Click on Edit | Copy, or Press and hold "CTRL" button, then press "C".
- Now, go to the explorer window, and in any empty space to the right of the partition, u should right-click, and click on NEW | FOLDER.
- Now, Press-and-hold "CTRL" button, then Press "V" (CTRL should be held down when pressing V.).
- Now, press "ENTER" button.
- That's it!!! U dun it!!! Check out ur Start menu, and u should find a similar list of Control Panel Items in a cascading style!.
Say "THANK U!!!". Oh, no problemo!!
The pleasure was entirely mine!!!
Hope to see ya around!! (Wanna learn more cool tips right??!!!)
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