Global Access to Educational Sources


Resources for Teachers

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There are many places to find lesson plans on the internet. The places I have listed are among the better places to start. Use them as they are or as a springboard to enhance your own creative ideas.

Large Collections of Lesson Plans

Score  California has put together a huge collection of lessons and activities to parallel their standards. Some are very good.
PBS Teacher Connex  There is a big collection of lesson plans to supplement the programs shown on PBS.
The WebQuest Page  Here is a growing collection of lessons with varying degrees of interactivity. Many are done by teachers taking classes at universities.
The Gateway - thousands of great ideas that are indexed by grade or subject
Mr. Donn's Ancient History Lessons  A great collection with something for everyone's taste.
ED's Oasis  Good interactive lessons are here. Check out the "masters" and "treasure zone" sections.
NASA Spacelink Instructional Materials  They have lots of materials which require Adobe Acrobat Reader
Teachers First - multifaceted site with much to offer
Edsitement - a varied collection of lesson plans with an excellent calendar feature to include lessons about events of the past that happened for each day of the month.
Global School House  The Projects area provides an integrated list from many sources.
Connections+  Internet resources--lesson plans, activities, curriculum resources--linked with corresponding subject-area content standards
The Jason Project  New adventures with many lessons are planned several times a year.
Access Excellence  great science activities updated regularly

Small Collections and Individual Lesson Plans

Decisioms, Decisions  current issue topics are explored
Tales  Teachers share projects which have been successful.
Exploring the Environment - an excellent part of the NASA classroom of the Future
Iron Science Teacher - multimedia presentations from the Exploratorium
Titanic  Simulate a trial.
Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust  dozens of lesson plans, web resources, primary resoruces and more
Lesson Planning  great ideas and web links for them
Online Resources  For the "Our Changing Earth" from the Franklin Institute
Modules and Lessons  from NASA classroom of the future are well done
Educational Activities  links and space related information from the Ceres Project
USA Today's Classline  connects the headlines to the curriculum
New York Times Learning Network  targets one or two topics
Teaching Mathematics...  simple ideas with real life applications
The CERES Project - Cooperative between the U. of Montana and NASA for Teaching Astronomy
Mathline  great activities from PBS
Math Activities for Teachers  varied ideas and resources
Math activities that are Fun! Fun! Fun!  some great ideas
Exploring Data  super math activities by grade level
Science Education Gateway - on-line modules
The Bridge  Ocean Scineces Education Center has some great activities
Instructional Resources by Subject Area  great ideas from Artsedge


Professional Organizations and Information

National Education Association
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
National Council for Social Studies
National Science Teachers Association
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of English
American Library Association
National Art Education Association
National Middle School Association
Middle Web  Lots of resources for middle school teachers and parents
Ask Eric  Information plus the ability to search
Eisenhower National ClearingHouse  Great site for math and science education
Eric Clearing House on Assessment and Evaluation
MCREL  Dedicated to improving the quality of schools and education
NCREL  fosters researching and implementing best practices
US Department of Education  News and resources
EDLaw  provides information on laws relating to education
E-Law  pertinent articles, information, and links
Standards by State  an alphabetical listing of links
Using Technology to Support Alternative Assessment and Electronic Portfolios  describes and discusses the use of technology to support alternative assessment from a number of perspectives.
School.Net  locate a school anywhere in the world <


On and About the Internet and Teaching

Challenge 2000 - Project-based Learning with Mulitmedia - comprehensive site with examples
Teaching with Electronic Technology  long list of good examples to scroll through. Pick out those that interest you.
More than Just Key Pals  Links to where to find them and how to build a good project.
Hot Topics  From the University of Michigan

Intercultural E-Mail Connections   a free service to help teachers and classes link with partners in other countries and cultures for e-mail classroom pen-pal and project exchanges
Empowering Student Learning with Web Publishing - one of the best guideline sites available
K-12 Connection - Links to a wide variety of topics and resources
The George Lucas Foundation - great e-zine, e-resources, and information
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - some a quite good and the subject index makes them easy to find
Astronomical Data Center - specializes in archiving and distributing collections of data that have been published by professional astronomers
EPA Environmental Center - find projects, data, and information here
USGS Learning Web - Excellent resources for Geography, Biology, Geology, and Hydrology


Professional Magazines and Newsletters

Trailblazer Magazine - part of the ExploraNet project in North Carolina
Education World  News, sites, lessons, and more updated weekly
Education Week on the Web  up-to-date information in 'zine form
Technology and Learning  keeps you up to date on the latest research into the impact of technology on education.
Teacher Magazine  Articles and information from the magazine
Teaching K-8  e-zine highlights current articles and great ideas
Education & Computer Connection  has a nice newsletter too
Middle Web  news, resources, and articles of interest
American School Board Journal  covers timely issues
Electronic Journal of Science Education  great current resources from the University of Nevada at Reno
fromnowon  free down-to-earth newsletter - be sure to subscribe