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What is art, but a way of seeing.
The Imagination Factory - Great ideas with recycled materials
Paperfolding - This is an index of the good sites.
Joseph Wu's Origami Page - gallery, diagrams and links
ART-VARK - lots of links here
Mark Kistler's Imagination Station - interesting lessons and ideas
Art Studio Chalkboard - learn about many aspects of color
How to Draw Horses - good examples are provided
Drawing the Face and Head - broken down to the basics so it is easy to understand
Diary of Drawing Techniques - after you have the basics, here is what you need to make it look really good
Painting Lesson: Rocks - takes you step by step
Art Studio Chalkboard - lots of ideas
Art School on-line - good ideas with simplified examples to help
Puppet Tools - super ideas
Optical Illusions - learn about them and how to make some
Vision and Art - Learn how visual information is used.
Artcyclopedia - very comprehensive
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Museums - great listing of the museums on the web
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - This museum has 60,000 images available.
Arts - super list of sources
World Wide Arts Resources - huge resource from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Digital Imaging Project - art from classical Greece to the modern era provided by Buffton College
Web Gallery of Art - 2800 digital reproductions are presented.
Web Gallery of Art - 3500 digital images and information
The Artchive - over 200 scanned images
The Electric Galley - folk art, jazz art, Haitian art and much more.
AICT - royalty free images related to world history
The On-line Picasso Project - great site from Texas A & M
Slide List - Art as primary sources for American History
American Museum of Art - great ezine and on-line exhibitions
Inside Art - an interactive and fun way to learn about Van Gogh
The World of Escher - The library is great.
The Case of Grandpa's Painting - can you identify it?
Art in the White House - check it out - excellent background and visuals
Art History Theme Page - really great site list
Sistine Chapel - great visual experience
Exploring the Restoration of the Sistine Chapel - from Wayne State University
40 Centuries of Architecture - expansive and beautiful (in Italian) - superior visuals and information
Eyes on Art - 7 fun activities
Kids Rule - There are so many that fun and educational sites. Be sure to visit.
Great Buildings on Line - Learn about great architectural treasures.
Renaissance and Baroque Architecture - great images

Maxie the Magnificent Free Clip Art and Animations This is a great site for history graphics.
Celeste's Holiday Graphics Most of the major holiday's are represented
The American Memory Collection: Photographs, Prints, and Drawings Great collection from the Library of Congress
SPIRO architecture slide library from University of California at Berkeley
The Amazing Picture Machine An excellent searchable source.
Chronicle/Examiner Photo Archives searchable newspaper sources
Lycos Image Gallery be specific with your search
Toyota City Imaging Project large collection of old time transport vehicles
Smithsonian Photo Library a large, excellent. and varied collection
Without music, life is a journey through a desert.
K-12 Resources For Music Educators - great information for just about everyone, not just teachers
Fine Arts - varied collection of music and art resources
Kathy Schrock's Music Guide - good list of sites from a fine source
Essentials of Music - check out the composers, eras, and glossary
Piano Education Page - you can look, listen, and learn
Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - read and listen
Lyrics - great list of sources
Music Search - a search engine just for music
Folk Songs - most are from England, Ireland, Scotland, and the USA
Popular Songs in American History - organized by era you will find lyrics and often a midi tune
Historic American Sheet Music - great digital collection from Duke University
Traditional Tunes - midi and lyrics organized by country
Songs of the Sea - lyrics and midi formats to enjoy - lots of links too
Rhythm Bouncer Java based activity.
ezfolk - over 300 pages of tutorials and more to help you place the guitar or banjo
Drum Lessons Database - a good refresher after a lesson or as a review