The Mission

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The proposed program is to offer the 2-year Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree to a limited number of individuals who meet certain academic and theological criteria (details will be provided on request). This degree is structured on the American "credit" model and consists of a varied number of courses. Each course has a value of either 2 or 4 credits, and one qualification to earn the degree is to complete a total of 96 credits. These classes will be conducted in an urban setting, by professors both locally and globally experienced. The proposed courses are listed below:

  • Introduction to Theological Systems
  • Christian Education
  • Pneumatology/Anthropology
  • Church Mission and Ministry
  • Missiology
  • History of Christianty
  • World History
  • Philosophy/Logic
  • Pastoral Theology
  • Bibliology
  • Theology Proper/Angelology
  • Music and Worship
  • The Christian Family
  • Conflict Mangament
  • Apologetics
  • Contemporary Christendom
  • Worldview
  • OT Poetry and Prophets
  • OT Themes
  • OT Book
  • OT Book
  • NT Writings
  • NT Book
  • NT Book
  • NT Themes
  • World Religions
  • Christology
  • Hamartiology/Soteriology
  • Ecclesiology/Eschatology
  • Ethics and Issues
  • OT Historical Literature
  • Sermonic Development
  • Sermonic Delivery
  • Hermeneutics 1
  • Hermeneutics 2

These classes will be offered in a trimester schedule that would begin in June-July and end in March-April, for two academic years. Daily classes will be over by lunch, leaving the afternoons for homework and research. Classes are tentatively scheduled to begin in June, 1999.

This program has its roots in the history of Northwest Baptist Seminary - India Extension (NBSIE). NBSIE was started in 1982 as a cooperative effort between Northwest Baptist Seminary (NBS, Tacoma, USA) and the India Field Council of Baptist Mid-Missions (IFCBMM). NBS provided the academic program and IFCBMM arranged for the students and the venue. Each Summer, 2 professors traveled to India and taught for a six-week period. After 3 years the student received a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MABS, recently changed to M.Min.).

Through the years over 80 students have completed the MABS program. Hailing from different parts of the country they are now better equipped to minister in countless Christian contexts. In 1992 one of our graduates from the first graduating class also taught during the Summer session. The spiritual fruit borne through him symbolizes the impact of God's word when the student becomes the sower.

The Mission

The Mission

The Materials

The Materials