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Christian Rationalism in the world

Christian Rationalism was founded and codified in 1910 and since then this philosophy and science has gradually been disseminated all over the world. The first seeds were implanted in Brazil, where the Headquarters and many Affiliates and Correspondents of this philosophy are located. Then, in 1932, Christian Rationalism crossed the Atlantic ocean and went to Portugal, which is the mother country of Luiz de Mattos, the man who had founded this philosophy in Brazil twenty two years before.

Since Christianity expressed by CR does not follow the Bible, in 1951 this philosophy was refused the right to exist in Portugal, and for twenty three years, during the dictatorships of Salazar and Marcelo Caetano, Christian Rationalists were forced to secretly gather in private homes to practice psychic cleansing, which is a very important procedure to help promote spiritual evolution and maintain mental hygiene. Only in 1974 Christian Rationalism made its resurgence in Portugal, thanks to the 1974 April revolution, which brought to the country all the freedoms lost for almost half a century.

Regardless of what was happening in Portugal, Christian Rationalism was being expanded to other parts of the world by the hands of brazilians, portuguese people living in the former portuguese african colonies and specially by the people of Cape Verde, who just by themselves are responsible for the expansion of this philosophy in many countries in the world. One can almost say that the Republic of Cape Verde is a country of Christian Rationalists and its people are accountable for the opening of CR Affiliates and Correspondents in almost a dozen countries in the world.

From left to right and based on the number of Affiliates and Correspondents per
country, are the nations in the world where Christian Rationalism is represented. To

view the list of all Affiliates and Correspondents in each country, please click on flags.

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Cape Verde

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Portugal & Azores Is.

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United States

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