Foundation and
º Christian
Rationalism Founded in 1910
Christian Rationalism was founded in 1910 in Santos, Brazil, by Luiz de Mattos who at the
time was the Portuguese vice-consul in that city. Please read more about the foundation of
this philosophy.
º Founders and
Small biographies of the people who founded Christian Rationalism and of those who in the
past and nowadays have been consolidating and expanding the doctrine all over the world.
º Luiz de Mattos
Luiz de Mattos the founder of Christian Rationalism was an extraordinary man. Find out
about his life.
º Luiz Thomaz
The founder of Christian Racionalism, Luiz de Mattos might have not been able to implement
this doctrine on Earth without the precious help of his great friend Luiz Alves Thomaz.
º Antonio Cottas
Antonio Cottas succeeded Luiz de Mattos as President of the doctrine when the latter
disincarnated sixteen years after the foundation of Christian Rationalism. He is known as
the Consolidator of this philosophy.
º Antonio Vieira
Antonio Vieira was a catholic priest who lived in the 17th Century both in Portugal and
Brazil. But despite its association with a dogmatic doctrine he was already a Christian
Rationalist without knowing it.
º Humberto
Humberto Rodrigues is the current President of Christian Rationalism and in a way he is
also a consolidator of the doctrine. However his main objective is a well-balanced
expansion of this philosophy throughout the world. |
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