

The Classroom

The classroom is designed to be an involved teaching environment with equipment visible and easy to access.  The classroom contains 16 standalone drafting desks, with 2 additional work tables.  There is space along the walls for 15 networked  computers that vary from 486-100's to Pentium 233's.   All of the modules are also housed in the classroom.

The Technology Lab

The Technology Lab is used to produce a variety of different projects and research.
The introductory classes use the four band saws, drill presses, and sanders in the production of their CO2 cars and drafting puzzles. The manufacturing class uses all of the equipment including table saws, planer, jointer, lathe, radial arm saw, and miter saws in a for multiple projects for the school and personal projects.

Map of the Lab


The Lab Before the Hiring of Mr. V.




Edu-Links Comments
Mr.V Tech Page Classes Mr. V Page