The following links take you outside of this web site:
Toastmasters International (main page)
Forms from Toastmaster International (membership application, club officer information sheet, information about The Toastmaster magazine, more)
District 65 represents over 1,800 people and more than 80 clubs located throughout central, western and southern New York State. The Rochester High Noon Club is part of the central division. The District 65 web site mostly serves club, division and district officers. At this site one can find how clubs are doing across the district with their goals, a district calendar of events including twice yearly training dates and district conferences.
Roberts Rules The official web site for parliamentary procedure -- helpful for those of you expected to run business meetings.
Rochester High Noon Meeting Grid
Rochester High Noon Meeting Minutes
Rochester High Noon Newsletters (06-07 and 07-08 Toastmasters Years only)
Speech Topic Ideas: Googling speech topics is a great way to get some fresh ideas when you are struggling to come up with a topic for a speech. Here is a site which offers a fairly comprehensive list to get you thinking: Addison Singles Toastmasters (speech topic ideas).
Help with Meeting Roles:
The following documents are guides/ examples of how others have approached the different Toastmaster meeting roles. Information about meeting roles is in the back of the Communications and Leadership Program Manual. Another resource is a booklet called: A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats. This booklet lists many meeting roles and how to do them; "When you are the Speaker," When you are TableTopics Master," etc. Lastly, we have several templates that were created by our own members and are saved here for your convenience:
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©2005 Rochester High Noon Toastmasters • site by cmclauss