Shiva's Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the more common questions and comments we get around here, along with the responses...

Hey Shiva....Are you really a Satanist?

How to respond to this question. I mean I get it so often...I just don't know what to say anymore. Ok, once and for all, YES I am a damn Satanist you bleeding ass-crack!!!!

Hey Shiva....What is the point of the Dark Cypher?

Understandable question and I'm glad you asked. The Dark Cypher Sisterhood is all about fellowship with me and my close friends who are into Satanism and wanted to form a "coven" of sorts for Satanic Witchcraft. We just kind of wanted to have a cypher, or circle of friends we could depend on. True, Satanism is mainly aimed at the self, but there is nothing wrong with having friends around you who are like-minded and supportive. The Dark Cypher is NOT, and has never been, an official sub-group of the Church of Satan, or any form of competitive organization towards the CoS. It's just our own little thing, nothing major. Doesn't cost us anything, doesn't hurt our Satanic goals, and in fact is aimed at strengthening the resolve.

Hey Shiva....I'm not a Satanist, and follow Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I'd like to ask you a few questions about your belief and...

Don't even bother. I have no desire whatsoever to discuss religion with you. If you are trying to "save" my soul, etc, I'll only end up getting irritable, and revealing a lot of the holes in your own religion that make its acceptance impossible as is.

Hey Shiva....I'm interested in Satanism, I love it! Personally I think Christianity and all that s**t sucks, Satan rules all!! People need to wake up and realize that the Devil rules this Earth! I've even managed to make some cool sacrifice rituals where I slit the throat of these cats and then I...

Leave my sight.

Hey Shiva....Isn't that a Hindu name? More importantly isn't it a MALE Hindu deity?

Why yes it is. My father really loves demonic mythology. For example he named one of my brothers "Rimmon" after the Teutonic devil. Considering "Shiva" is the supposed God of Destruction(more or less), and I am one of the 1st generations of my family to be born in America, my name is basically a covert way of conveying his wishes that I'll lead an "army" to destroy the current hold of power in the hands of white light religions. His "dream" is that a child of his rises up and brings Satanism into the foreground, even more so than the Church of Satan is already, as the CoS is the modern version of what he grew up with.

Hey Shiva...Are there any naked pics of you or your friends in your home page?

Well, I know for a fact that there are no "hidden" nude pictures on this site that show full nudity. There are some that get a little more racy like Whyte Tigress, here and there Alien and Zombie too, but no actual "nudity". Giving out stuff like that is up to them personally, but they can't do it on the site due to regulations of Geocities. Besides this isn't a sex or porn site anyway. Any nudity that ever surfaced here would have some kind of reason, or at the least be presented in a way that didn't make us all look cheap. We are not here to visually entertain the bored men of the net. Just does nothing for me or anyone on this page. Those who call yourselves "friends" of people here, do ask yourself why you are a "friend" if nude pics is all you ask for.

Hey Shiva....I was just wondering, WHY do you always talk like you think you're all that? I mean really what the f**k is so cool about you? Your ego is way overblown and I think if you lost it you'd be a lot more attractive. to answer this one. Ok, put it this way...WHY is thinking highly of yourself such a bad thing? Have things gotten so bad that the only way to be acceptable to people is by constantly talking as though you mean nothing and have no self esteem? On this page, nowhere can anyone find a statement saying I think I am "better" than everyone else. At best, all I ever say, indirectly(sometimes directly also), is that I personally think extremely highly of myself, and consider myself to be my most prized possession. This is completely true as far as I'm concerned. I don't see how it's possible to really and honestly value good people when you have no clue as to what it takes to be one yourself. Everything starts with the self, you can't help anyone, hurt anyone, or support anyone until you first strengthen yourself enough to do so.

Hey Shiva....Just wondering...WHY Satanism? Isn't there any other religion that would be better for you? I just don't see the need. LaVeiyan Satanism just sounds like humanism or philosophy to me anyway.

Well, to put it simply, you need to study and learn the doctrine. When a puppy reaches a certain size and age, it's called a dog, when a kitten gets big enough, it's called a cat, and when a philosopher or humanist or whatever reaches a certain state of mind, they become a Satanist. People love trying with all of their might to avoid the "S" word, trying to label Satanism anything and everything but what it is. You can't call Satanism by any other name and have it fit correctly, Satanism isn't just about humanism, or just philosophy, or just rebellion of Christianity and the like. None of those other labels fit. Therefore, stick with the original. As far as "why", read up on LaVeyian Satanism, learn what is taught, and then try to say it's really all that unrealistic.

Hey Shiva....Do you and your friends and family ever sacrifice animals or babi...hey get off me!! Let go!! HELP!!! AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

(answer witheld, direct all questions regarding above question to Shiva's lawyers)

Hey Shiva....You have some nice ideas, but why do you always sound angry on your page? Are you really searching for inner contentment and peace or are you just playing the role of the victim for your beliefs?

I don't know why, but a lot of people seem to think I'm a very angry or irritable person. The best I can tell you is just that online it's hard to get things like tone or sarcasm across to people that don't know you personally. I'm not an angry person, dammit, anyone that dissagrees can just suck my ass.

Hey Shiva....How serious are things with you and Narkov? Do you ever see other people?

I'd say things are pretty serious, considering he recently became my fiancee. But, before that happened, I never "saw" other people, or flirted or cheated on him in all the years we've been together. As hard as it is for many people to believe, I just don't need anyone but him in that way, he fills up the void, the need, that I have for that kind of companionship completely. Those people out there that have ever or are still with someone like that, and are HONESTLY in love or were, know what I'm talking about, the rest will just have to take my word for it.

Hey Shiva....if you ever have children, would you try to push them into Satanism?

Well, I've had that talk with my fiancee, and we both definately want children, quite a few actually(current hope is around 4 or 5). Both Narkov and myself are Satanists, and would both try to aim any children we had in the same direction. In the beggining of course, we'd just give them background encouragement, since no one in my family has ever advocated robbing children of the opportunity to be a child. Later on, though, I would definitely encourage an interest in Satanism, of course I'd try to do it using common sense, since turning my child into a herd-conforming mental slave would be a horrible thing to do. The point is that I'd encorage and support a healthy intrest in the family religion and all of the wonderful things that come with it, and try my best not to let my passion for Satanism be too overbearing and hurtful, but like any parent I'd love my children either way, though.

Hey Shiva...rumor has it you're pregnant. Any truth to that? And what about marriage and everything?

Well, if you heard that I'm walking around eating for two and getting bigger, you're absolutely right. Yup, I'm pregnant, and more or less hating life. I love the soon-to-be child of mine and everything, with all my heart, but why do they have to be so heavy??? As for the marriage thing, people keep asking that as if I've got some religious need to be married because of the pregnancy. The fact is that I was already engaged before we put a 'bun in the oven' so to speak, but marriage just for that reason wouldn't be good enough. Marriage is kind of a redundancy, a ceremony to me basically, that uses imagery to symbolize a relationship that is already something I want forever in my life. The bottom line: yes I'm going to be married very soon, and the pregnancy is NOT the sole reason or cause of that.

Hey Shiva, I was wondering, have you decided on a name for the baby(if there is one)?

Well, actually we're playing around with several possible names, including ut not limited to (for a boy)Jalyn, Kalyn, Dalkiel, Narkov II, and Nathaniel. For a girl: Lucretia, Natalia, Satanika, Diamond, and Rain. Personally for a boy I'm leaning towards either Kalyn or Nathaniel, and for a girl I'm leaning towards Satanika or Lucretia.

Hey Shiva, does the Dark Cypher offer online memberships or anything similar? If so what are the costs and/or requirements?

Nope I'm afraid not. The "Dark Cypher" doesn't offer memberships online, or even in person for the most part. We aren't a grotto that solicits memberships and things like that, we're basically a group of people who thought practicing together and having a fellowship amongst ourselves was strong, well-balanced, researched, supportive, and well...'fun' enough that creating a sort of collective precence would be a cool idea. Please check the new link on Dark Cypher Memberships to get a more detailed answer to this one.

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