PG@home | PGmultiMinda | Pickup E~Card
Come back soon for more cards for other occasion.
Mail me your suggestions/requests.
Step 1: Choose ONE design that you like
Click image to see a larger view
cny_s.jpg (2781 bytes)
Gong Xi Fa Cai #1
cny2_s.jpg (2906 bytes)
Gong Xi Fa Cai #2
kad1_s.JPG (8035 bytes)
Kad Raya #1 
kad1d_s.JPG (6863 bytes)
Kad Raya #2
kad2_s.jpg (6073 bytes)
Kad Raya #3
kad3_s.jpg (6073 bytes)
Kad Raya #4
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Step 2: Enter YOUR Name and Email Address
Sender Name: 
Sender Email: 

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Step 3: Enter YOUR FRIEND'S Name and Email Address
Recipient Name: 
Recipient Mail: 

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Step 4: Enter your Message (but not too long please)
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Finally: Click SUBMIT to view your card.
Please don't forget to click
"Send Mouse Card"
on the next page.
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Established 15 Jan '99

ez@rt design '99