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Reckless in Asia

Have you ever been with a driver under age 25 who...


S'pore KL Manila
Drove 30 km/h or more over the speed limit? 56% 72% n/a
Packed in a more passengers than seats available? 48% 50% 61%
Beat a red light or stop sign intentionally? 38% 41% 64%
Raced with another car? 17% 61% 45%
Drove dangerously close behind another car or tried to cut off or bump another car? 16% 39% 56%
Took both hands off the steering wheel while the car was moving? 16% 34% 37%
Jerked the steering wheel to make the car swerve from side to side across the road? 16% 29% 19%
Did at least one of these types of activities? 83% 89% 89%
Source: Reader's Digest Dec '98