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This is the Featured Classes page. Each month we hope to feature a different class of Kingsley, to briefly explain what that particular classroom is all about and/or what is happening in that class. With this feature the faculty of Kingsley hopes to get you more aquatinted with the building. The featured class this month is The Expanded Learning Program.

The Expanded Learning Program by Mrs. Lane

---->One of the special needs programs at Kingsley is called the Expanded Learning Program for talented and gifted learners. This program has existed since 1984 in all the schools in the Waterloo district. The program provides a specific curriculum for identified students in grades 3-12.

---->The primary program involves whole class activities in grades K-2. The Kingore Observation Inventory lessons are used in the primary classes. Each K2 teacher in the Waterloo district has had special training and application in the Kingore Inventory.

---->The Inventory activities involve seven areas of learning; they are Advanced Language, Analytical Thinking, Meaning Motivated, Perspective, Sense of Humor, Sensitivity, and Accelerated Learning. The classroom teachers and I work together to develop the student's abilities in all seven areas. Some of the activities center on storybooks and poetry for the purpose of discovering and developing strengths of each child.

---->The Waterloo District believes that every human being is of value, with the right to optimal academic development. Each person is unique from all others. We base our special programming on methods of developing and utilizing that uniqueness, focusing that commitment to the needs of the individual student. An integral part of that commitment is to provide programs and materials for gifted students who demonstrate the potential for superior performance in intellectual pursuits, academics, creative thinking, and the arts.

---->A yearly process is used to determine each child's need and eligibility for participation in the ELP classes (3-5). Each student is screened using multiple criteria including standardized test scores, ITBS and Cognitive Abilities Test, teacher, peer, and self nomination. Information of those students who have met the qualifications is then compiled and included in the district pool. After an analysis of the data approximately five percent of the 3rd-12th grade population from the district are identified for having needs for programming. Students new to the district are screened throughout the year.