Movies & TV

Fantasia 2000 the new release of Fantasia from Disney New Movies( the last 18 months or so)

The Internet Movie Database Great for who stared in that and what else where they in. Includes TV, too.

Star Wars There are 5,519,894 Star Wars pages on the web. This is Lucasfilms.

Star Trek There are at least 5,519,894 Star Trek pages on the web. This is Paramount's (Paramount is also the home of Titanic.)

The X-Files

The Episode Guide Awesome!

MGM-UA the home of James Bond, the
Pink Panther, and a whole bunch of stuff. No Munchkin committed suicide during the making of the "Wizard of Oz." No matter what Jimmy says

The Museum of Television and Radio

The James Bond page                           Elizabeth's Classic Movie Homepage

Miramax studios.
Note: some of Miramax's movies are R or NC-17 rated. If your mom and dad would not approve, don't go there.

NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX  and WB television. FOX and WB includes 20th Century Fox movies and Warner Brothers Movies.

The BBC world service.  REAL NEWS ONLY. NO MONICA STORIES, NO O.J. STORIES. NO HOLLYWOOD STORIES. After a few days of listening to the BBC you start to wonder if TV news is on the same planet you are.Sorry CNN, there already was a worldwide news service, and it's a lot better than yours. (Editorial comment)

KTRS, KMOX, KMJM, KYKY98, KSHE The River, The Point

The St. Louis Radio link page  has a lot more local radio and TV stations

Nickelodeon Online and Nick at Nite

The Motion Picture Association of America. The people who give out the ratings like G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17.

PBS. Big Birds home. NPR National Public Radio

The Urban Legends Homepage Maintained by The San Fernando Valley Folklore Society or "Is there really a ghost in 3 men and a baby?"

A&E Television, MTVPop Up VideosTNT the home of Babylon 5, the superstation TBS

Rick's Movie Posters

Ad Critic a storehouse of TV ads. Hope you have a fast connection

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